Issue - meetings

New Safeguarding Policy

Meeting: 03/03/2014 - Cabinet (Item 148)

148 Child and Adult Safeguarding Policy pdf icon PDF 92 KB

(Safer, Greener & Transport Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-081-2013/14).

Additional documents:


(1)        That the Council’s new Combined Safeguarding Policy, which covered all aspects of safeguarding for children, young people and vulnerable adults, be adopted; and


(2)        That appropriate training on the requirements of the Policy be undertaken by all elected Members, so that they could play a proactive role in safeguarding, within the Epping Forest District.


The Portfolio Holder for Safer, Greener & Transport presented a report requesting the adoption of the Council’s new combined Safeguarding Policy.


The Portfolio Holder reported that the Council had a Duty of Care under Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 with respect to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people who lived and received services within the District and those young people originating from the District who were ‘looked after’. In addition, although there was currently no legislative requirement for the safeguarding of vulnerable adults, the Council worked in accordance with the protocols set out by the Essex Safeguarding Adults Board, to help ensure that vulnerable adults who lived in the District, or received local services, were safe from harm and were not subjected to exploitation or abuse.


The Portfolio Holder stated that during the last year, the Government had moved towards a more ‘joined-up’ approach for safeguarding through Ofsted audit inspections. In line with this, Essex Safeguarding Children and Adults Boards were now working more closely together and had introduced combined safeguarding assessments and training for statutory partners in Essex. In response to this, the Council had developed a new, combined safeguarding policy, which now made reference to a range of new and emerging safeguarding issues that were becoming a high priority across the County. These included Child Sexual Exploitation, ‘Honour’ Based Abuse and Stalking and Harassment amongst others. It also set out the required procedures in respect of ‘Concerns, Incidents and Allegations’ and provided a comprehensive guide to the responsibilities of  staff and Elected Members.


A local Member for Loughton Roding added that the training course which was run by the Assistant Director (Community Services & Customer Relations) had been very worthwhile, and that safeguarding should be made a mandatory role for elected Members.


The Portfolio Holder requested the Cabinet to adopt the new policy for the Council to meet its responsibilities effectively and to proactively promote its use by Elected Members.




(1)        That the Council’s new Combined Safeguarding Policy, which covered all aspects of safeguarding for children, young people and vulnerable adults, be adopted; and


(2)        That appropriate training on the requirements of the Policy be undertaken by all elected Members, so that they could play a proactive role in safeguarding, within the Epping Forest District.


Reasons for Decision:


The Council’s Safeguarding Policy had been comprehensively reviewed in order to comply with the new, combined approach to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults, which was being driven by Essex Safeguarding Children and Adults Boards. This new document clearly set out individual and Council-wide responsibilities from the Senior Management Leadership team, staff who work face to face with the public and Elected Members.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


To not adopt the revised safeguarding Policy, but this would place children, young people and vulnerable adults at increased risk, and expose the Council to challenge and potential litigation under Section 11 of the Children Act 2004.