Issue - meetings

Neighbourhood Plan for Chigwell

Meeting: 03/03/2014 - Cabinet (Item 151)

151 Chigwell Neighbourhood Area Consultation pdf icon PDF 82 KB

(Planning Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-084-2013/14).

Additional documents:


(1)        That the area covering the Parish of Chigwell be designated a neighbourhood area, following the receipt of representations; and


(2)        That all responsibilities between designating the neighbourhood area and bringing the neighbourhood plan into force, in this and any subsequent neighbourhood plan,  be delegated to the Director of Neighbourhoods.


The Planning Portfolio Holder presented a report on the Chigwell Neighbourhood Area public consultation.


The Portfolio Holder reported that Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs) were introduced as part of the Localism Act 2011, to enable local communities (town/parish councils or designated neighbourhood forums) to shape the way that their local area developed. Once approved, the Plans would form part of the statutory development plan, and were therefore a material consideration when deciding on planning applications.


The Portfolio Holder stated that Chigwell Parish Council had submitted an application for the designation of a neighbourhood area in November 2013, to follow the line of the Parish boundary. The Council invited representations on the proposed neighbourhood area for a period of eight weeks, ending on 10 February 2014, during which two representations were received. One submitted by Loughton Town Council referred to the open space between Loughton and Chigwell, and therefore was not relevant to the consultation, whilst the other submitted by Barton Willmore on behalf of Higgins Homes supported the proposed neighbourhood area. It was now for the District Council to formally designate the neighbourhood area so that the Parish Council could progress the preparation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan


When questioned, the Portfolio Holder added that the Planning Department did have some resources available for Neighbourhood Development Plans; this was only the second request that had been received so there had been no detrimental effect on the Local Plan process so far.




(1)        That the area covering the Parish of Chigwell be designated a neighbourhood area, following the receipt of representations; and


(2)        That all responsibilities between designating the neighbourhood area and bringing the neighbourhood plan into force, in this and any subsequent neighbourhood plan,  be delegated to the Director of Neighbourhoods.


Reasons for Decision:


To enable the Council to meet its obligations under the Localism Act 2011.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


To not designate the proposed Neighbourhood Area or to designate a different area. However, there was nothing to support either action given the representations received during the public consultation.