Agenda item

Survey of the River Roding and Associated Bridges in the Roding Valley Recreational Area

(Environment Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-026-2014/15).


(1)        That, in order to assess the condition of the River Roding and the risk of damage to the bridges and other assets, a technical survey be carried out of the entire length of the River Roding where it flowed through Council owned land in the Roding Valley Recreational Area (RVRA);


(2)        That a District Development Fund growth bid in the sum of £15,000 be made for 2015/16 for the appointment of specialist engineering surveyors; and


(3)        That the findings of the survey and any recommended action be reported to a future meeting of the Cabinet.


The Environment Portfolio Holder presented a report concerning a survey of the River Roding and associated bridges in the Roding Valley Recreational Area.


The Portfolio Holder informed the Cabinet that the River Roding was one of the two major river systems flowing through the District. The responsibility for the management and upkeep of rivers fell to riparian owners (those land owners or occupiers through whose land a river passed). The responsibility for the management of the Roding Valley Recreational Area (RVRA) fell to various partners, including Loughton Town Council and Buckhurst Hill Parish Council, and Essex Wildlife Trust for areas in their management control that fell within the boundary of the Recreational Area.


The Portfolio Holder stated that the last river condition survey of the River Roding through the Recreational Area was carried out in 2003. As a result, a number of works were carried out to manage the risk to members of the public using the Recreational Area. Ongoing monitoring of the river, its banks and associated structures was carried out as suggested in the 2003 survey. An engineering survey of the Charlie Moules Bridge was carried out in August 2012 and the cost of the necessary remedial works was £24,960. It was considered prudent to only make the bridge safe for use at the current time, and then consider a wider scheme which would address accessibility and sustainability issues.


The Portfolio Holder reported that, in view of ongoing erosion damage, it was now considered necessary to carry out another comprehensive survey of the river and the structures. It was proposed that a morphological survey of the River Roding from Chigwell Lane to Roding Lane be carried out to identify the level of erosion of the river banks. In addition, a structural condition survey of the three bridges should also be carried out to assess the level of risk to users and propose any necessary remedial measures.


The Portfolio Holder opined that, as the land owner, the District Council should take the lead in carrying out the investigation and work in partnership with the Town and Parish Councils to implement any necessary actions identified. It was estimated that the cost of engaging specialist engineering surveyors would be £15,000, and a report would be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting detailing the outcome of the survey and any financial implications.


In response to questions from the Members present, the Assistant Director of Neighbourhoods (Technical Services) stated that it was too early to determine if the erosion of the river banks was being caused by the Environment Agency downsizing their maintenance works further upstream, as this process was only just beginning. A local Member for Loughton Roding was concerned about the erosion of the river banks and that there was not any disabled access at the Charlie Moules bridge. It was also highlighted that further erosion of the river banks could cause contamination between the river and a nearby lake. The Portfolio Holder acknowledged the contamination risk, and was keen to provide disabled access at Charlie Moules bridge.




(1)        That, in order to assess the condition of the River Roding and the risk of damage to the bridges and other assets, a technical survey be carried out of the entire length of the River Roding where it flowed through Council owned land in the Roding Valley Recreational Area (RVRA);


(2)        That a District Development Fund growth bid in the sum of £15,000 be made for 2015/16 for the appointment of specialist engineering surveyors; and


(3)        That the findings of the survey and any recommended action be reported to a future meeting of the Cabinet.


Reasons for Decision:


To establish the extent of river erosion along the River Roding and any potential impact on the associated structures especially the three bridges, identify remedial works, and manage the risk to the users of the Roding Valley Recreational Area.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


To do nothing and allow the erosion to continue, however this would lead to an increasing risk of injury to the public and damage to property.

Supporting documents: