Agenda item

Review of Licensing - Staffing and Budget

(Safer, Greener & Transport Portfolio Holder) (Support Services Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-058-2013/14).


(1)        That the inclusion of a growth item in the 2014/15 Continuing Services Budget in the sum of £ 54,780 be approved in principle in respect of:


            (a)        one additional post of Licensing Officer at a cost of £28,810 per      annum (including on costs);


(b)        one additional post of Democratic Services Assistant at a cost of £21,170 per annum (including on costs); and


(c)        other associated costs (such as Committee Allowances, printing costs and GIS expenses) of £4,800 per annum;


(2)        That, in relation to recommendation (1) above, the existing temporary positions of Licensing Officer and Democratic Services Assistant approved by the Council at its meeting on 23 April 2013 (minute 127(vii) refers) for the purpose of a nine month trial of new licensing arrangements be made permanent;


(3)        That recommendations (1) and (2) above be subject to the outcome of the following reviews of the trial licensing arrangements:


            (a)        by the Constitution and Member Services Scrutiny Panel and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of member meeting arrangements for hearing licensing applications; and


            (b)        by the Licensing Committee of matters relating to the review that affect licensing policy; and


(4)       That a further report be made to the next Cabinet meeting on the outcome of the reviews set out in the recommendations above so that a final decision on whether or not the Continuing Services Budget growth item was to be incorporated in the budget could be made.


The Portfolio Holder for Safer, Greener and Transport presented a report on the staffing and budget implications from the review of the new Licensing arrangements.


The Portfolio Holder reminded the Cabinet that a trial in respect of new licensing arrangements was approved by the Council in April 2013. The trial period was designed to operate for one year, effective from the date on which the new arrangements came into operation, with a review after nine months. The trial involved:


(a)       new processes for consulting the public on premises licences submitted to the Council involving notifications to householders within the vicinity of the premises concerned; and


(b)        new member meeting arrangements so as to make licensing hearings more accessible to the public by holding them in the evening on a regular basis.


The Portfolio Holder explained that two additional posts, a Licensing Officer and a Democratic Services Assistant, were approved to cover the additional work generated by the trial. These posts were temporary and budgetary provision for them would terminate at the end of the financial year.


The Portfolio Holder added that the results of the trial period would be reviewed by the Licensing Committee and the Constitution and Member Services Scrutiny Panel.  However, a decision was being sought, in principle, on whether these posts were to become part of the permanent establishment. Although it was possible that the holding of evening meetings to consider Alcohol Licences would be discontinued, there was widespread support for continuing with the process of extended consultation for such applications. In addition, the total number of Committee meetings each year was still increasing and Democratic Services were due to lose two senior members of staff as part of the Directorate restructuring. Therefore, it was proposed to approve growth bids, in principle, for the Continuing Services Budget to make both posts permanent in 2014/15. A further report would be submitted to the next meeting of the Cabinet on the outcome of the two reviews, to enable a final decision to be made.


The Chairman of the Constitution & Member Services Scrutiny Panel stated that there had been benefits from the wider consultation arrangements, but the scheduling of evening meetings had proved too expensive given the lack of public attendance. There was the possibility of holding occasional evening meetings to hear particular applications, perhaps based on a call-in system by local Members.


The Housing Portfolio Holder endorsed the comments of the Chairman of the Constitution & Member Services Scrutiny Panel and opined that the new system had not had the desired results. However, residents were now better informed about applications in their area and a mechanism for some evening meetings to be held for Licensing applications was to be welcomed.


The Planning Portfolio Holder inquired about the District Council gaining the authority to determine applications for road closures. The Portfolio Holder for Safer, Greener and Transport confirmed that the County Council had devolved the powers to determine road closures to the District Council. The Assistant Director of Corporate Support Services (Legal Services) added that the County Council would still be included in the consultation process for road closures, and that applications for road closures were predominantly processed by District Councils in other areas.


The Chairman of the Licensing Committee supported the proposals before the Cabinet and emphasised the additional work facing the Licensing Section from the implementation of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013. It was acknowledged that holding evening meetings to consider applications under the Licensing Act 2003 had not been successful and had proved to be very costly.




(1)        That the inclusion of a growth item in the 2014/15 Continuing Services Budget in the sum of £ 54,780 be approved in principle in respect of:


            (a)        one additional post of Licensing Officer at a cost of £28,810 per      annum (including on costs);


(b)        one additional post of Democratic Services Assistant at a cost of £21,170 per annum (including on costs); and


(c)        other associated costs (such as Committee Allowances, printing costs and GIS expenses) of £4,800 per annum;


(2)        That, in relation to recommendation (1) above, the existing temporary positions of Licensing Officer and Democratic Services Assistant approved by the Council at its meeting on 23 April 2013 (minute 127(vii) refers) for the purpose of a nine month trial of new licensing arrangements be made permanent;


(3)        That recommendations (1) and (2) above be subject to the outcome of the following reviews of the trial licensing arrangements:


            (a)        by the Constitution and Member Services Scrutiny Panel and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of member meeting arrangements for hearing licensing applications; and


            (b)        by the Licensing Committee of matters relating to the review that affect licensing policy; and


(4)       That a further report be made to the next Cabinet meeting on the outcome of the reviews set out in the recommendations above so that a final decision on whether or not the Continuing Services Budget growth item was to be incorporated in the budget could be made.


Reasons for Decision:


To secure provisional Continuing Services Budget funding to make these two temporary posts a part of the permanent establishment, pending further review by the Licensing Committee and the Constitution & Member Services Scrutiny Panel.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


None at this stage, pending the outcome of the reviews.  Options which could arise include:


·         reversion to previous licensing arrangements;


·         continuation of staffing support on a purely temporary basis; or


·         no additional staffing.

Supporting documents: