Agenda item

Planning Application EPF/1891/13 - Land R/O 59-61 High Road, North Weald - Erection of bungalow (resubmitted application)

(Director of Planning and Economic Development) To consider the attached report.


The Committee considered an application for the erection of a bungalow on land to the rear of 59-61 High Road, North Weald next to another recently approved bungalow. Although surrounded on three sides by development, most of the application site was within the Metropolitan Green Belt.


The application had been referred to it by Area Plans Subcommittee East with a recommendation to grant on the basis that it was infill development within the context of the National Planning Policy Framework as an exception to inappropriate development within the Green Belt. This was accepted by the Committee and planning permission was granted accordingly.




That planning application EPF/1891/13 on land rear of 59-61 High Road, North Weald be granted planning permission subject to the following conditions:


(1)        The development hereby permitted must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this notice.


Reason: To comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


(2)        The development hereby permitted will be completed strictly in accordance with the approved drawings nos: 1291/07d, 1291/08c, 1291/09a, 1291/15A, MP/HR/01 Rev: A2


Reason: To ensure the proposal is built in accordance with the approved drawings.


(3)        No construction works above ground level shall have taken place until documentary and photographic details of the types and colours of the external finishes have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, in writing, prior to the commencement of the development. The development shall be implemented in accordance with such approved details.


Reason:- To ensure a satisfactory appearance in the interests of visual amenity, in accordance with the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and policy DBE3 of the adopted Local Plan and Alterations.


(4)        Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 as amended (or any other order revoking, further amending or re-enacting that order) no development generally permitted by virtue of Part 1, Class E shall be undertaken without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:- The specific circumstances of this site warrant the Local Planning Authority having control over any further development, in accordance with the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and policy GB2A of the adopted Local Plan and Alterations.


(5)        The parking area shown on the approved plan shall be provided prior to the first occupation of the development and shall be retained free of obstruction for the parking of residents and visitors vehicles.


Reason:- In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and policies ST4 and ST6 of the adopted Local Plan and Alterations.


(6)        Prior to occupation of the development hereby approved, measures shall be taken to ensure that there are no obstructions over 600mm in height within 1 metre of the highway boundary on both sides of the vehicle access. Such pedestrian visibility splays shall be retained thereafter.


Reason:- To provide adequate inter-visibility between the users of the access and pedestrians in the adjoining public highway, in the interest of highway safety and in accordance with the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and policy ST4 of the adopted Local Plan and Alterations.


(7)        The publics right and ease of passage over public footpath no. 45 North Weald shall be maintained free and unobstructed at all times.


Reason:- To ensure the continued safe passage of the public on the definitive right of way, in accordance with the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and policies ST4 and RST3 of the adopted Local Plan and Alterations.


(8)        A flood risk assessment and management and maintenance plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development. The assessment shall demonstrate that adjacent properties shall not be subject to increased flood risk and, dependant upon the capacity of the receiving drainage, shall include calculations of any increased storm run-off and the necessary on-site detention. The approved measures shall be carried out prior to the substantial completion of the development hereby approved and shall be adequately maintained in accordance with the approved management and maintenance plan.


Reason:- The development is located in an area identified as being in an Epping Forest District Council flood risk assessment zone and would be likely to result in increased surface water run-off, in accordance with the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and policy U2B of the adopted Local Plan and Alterations.


(9)        No development, including works of demolition or site clearance, shall take place until a Tree Protection Plan, Arboricultural Method Statement and site monitoring schedule in accordance with BS 5837:2012 (Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations) has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing. The development shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved documents unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to any variation.


Reason:- To comply with the duties indicated in Section 197 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 so as to ensure that the amenity value of the existing trees are safeguarded, in accordance with the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and policy LL10 of the adopted Local Plan and Alterations.


(10)      If any tree, shrub or hedge shown to be retained in accordance with the approved plans and particulars is removed, uprooted or destroyed, or dies, or becomes severely damaged or diseased within 3 years of the completion of the development, another tree, shrub or hedge of the same size and species shall be planted within 3 months at the same place, unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to any variation. If within a period of five years from the date of planting any replacement tree, shrub or hedge is removed, uprooted or destroyed, or dies or becomes seriously damaged or defective another tree, shrub or hedge of the same species and size as that originally planted shall, within 3 months, be planted at the same place.


Reason:- To comply with the duties indicated in Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as well as to safeguard the amenity of the existing trees, shrubs or hedges and to ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development, in accordance with the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and policy LL10 of the adopted Local Plan and Alterations.


(11)      No development shall take place, including site clearance or other preparatory work, until full details of both hard and soft landscape works (including tree planting) and implementation programme (linked to the development schedule) have been submitted to an approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These works shall be carried out as approved. The hard landscaping details shall include, as appropriate, and in addition to details of existing features to be retained: proposed finished levels or contours; means of enclosure; car parking layouts; other minor artefacts and structures, including signs and lighting and functional services above and below ground. The details of soft landscape works shall include plans for planting or establishment by any means and full written specifications and schedules of plants, including species, plant sizes and proposed numbers /densities where appropriate. If within a period of five years from the date of the planting or establishment of any tree, or shrub or plant, that tree, shrub, or plant or any replacement is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies or becomes seriously damaged or defective another tree or shrub, or plant of the same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted at the same place, unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to any variation.


Reason:- To comply with the duties indicated in Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 so as to ensure that the details of the development of the landscaping are complementary, and to ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development, in accordance with the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and policies CP2 and LL11 of the adopted Local Plan and Alterations.


(12)      The proposed use of this site has been identified as being particularly vulnerable if land contamination is present, despite no specific former potentially contaminating uses having been identified for this site. 


Should any discoloured or odorous soils be encountered during development works or should any hazardous materials or significant quantities of non-soil forming materials be found, then all development works should be stopped, the Local Planning Authority contacted and a scheme to investigate the risks and / or the adoption of any required remedial measures be submitted to, agreed and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the recommencement of development works.


Following the completion of development works and prior to the first occupation of the site, sufficient information must be submitted to demonstrate that any required remedial measures were satisfactorily implemented or confirmation provided that no unexpected contamination was encountered.


Reason: It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure the safe development of the site and to carry out any appropriate land contamination investigation and remediation works. The condition is to ensure the risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors, in accordance with the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and policy RP4 of the adopted Local Plan and Alterations.


(13)      All construction/demolition works and ancillary operations, including vehicle movement on site which are audible at the boundary of noise sensitive premises, shall only take place between the hours of 08.00 to 18.30 Monday to Friday and 08.00 to 13.00 hours on Saturday, and at no time during Sundays and Public/Bank Holidays unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of the amenities of noise sensitive properties.

Supporting documents: