Agenda item


(a)            Apologies for Absence


(b)            Announcements


To consider any announcements by:


(i)         the Chairman of the Council;


(ii)        the Leader of the Council; and


(iii)       any other Cabinet Member.


(a)        Announcements by the Chairman of the Council


(i)        Youth Makes Music” Concert


The Chairman reported that she had attended the Rotary Club of Epping “Youth Makes Music” concert held at St John’s Church, Epping.  She advised that the concert had showcased the exceptional talent of young musicians from local schools in the District and the standard had been very high.


(ii)        Commonwealth Day Flag


Commonwealth Day Flag – the Chairman advised that she had attended Ingatestone Hall together with representatives of other Essex councils to receive a Commonwealth Flag which was to be flown at the Civic Offices on 10 March 2014 (Commonwealth Day).  Members noted that this would be the first occasion on which the flag had been flown throughout the UK and that the intention was to extend the flying of this flag to all countries forming the Commonwealth in 2015.


(iii)       Councillor S Murray


The Chairman congratulated Councillor Murray who had received a lifetime achievement award in the Essex Teaching Awards 2014.  The Chairman’s congratulations were echoed by all members of the Council.


(iv)      Epping Forest District Council Anniversary


The Chairman reported that 1 April 2014 would be the 40th anniversary of the Council.


The Chairman announced that she intended sending the flowers from tonight’s meeting to Beechlands Care Home, Alderton Hill, Loughton.


(b)       Announcements by the Leader of the Council


The Leader advised that he had no announcements to make under this heading.


(c)        Announcements by Portfolio Holders


(i)           Housing Portfolio Holder


Councillor Stallan reported that a meeting had been arranged for 10 March 2014 to progress the Oakwood Hill Environmental Improvement Scheme.  He agreed to keep members informed of further progress at future meetings.


(ii)          Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder


Councillor Waller referred to an article in the local Guardian newspaper which had suggested that burglary was a particular problem in the Epping Forest District.  He said that he was glad to have this opportunity to reassure residents that homes in the Epping Forest District were not the most likely to be burgled in Essex.  He stated that the Analyst in the Council’s Community Safety Team had provided him with Home Office figures and that of all the districts and boroughs in Essex, Epping Forest District ranked eighth out of fourteen in terms of all burglary.  Although this was not as good as one would wish it was nothing like as bad as reported in the newspaper.


Councillor Waller continued that the true figure reflected the fact that the District abutted Greater London, with excellent transport links which unfortunately enabled many burglars to enter and leave the District quickly making the task of detection especially difficult.


The Portfolio Holder pointed out that in the District there had been a 15% reduction in all burglary in 2013 and an 18% reduction in domestic burglaries in that year.  He referred to a meeting he had attended earlier in the day at which the Chief Constable had stated that he regarded domestic burglary as one of his top priorities.


Councillor Waller expressed disappointment that the true situation had been misrepresented because undue fear of crime could act as a severe limitation on people’s lives.  In conclusion he stated that whilst there was absolutely no cause for complacency, people should know that the Epping Forest District was a safe place in which to live and work.


(iii)         Planning PortfolioHolder


Councillor Bassett advised that an appeal had been lodged against the decision of the Secretary of State to refuse planning permission and uphold an Enforcement Notice concerning a Gypsy, Roma and Traveller site at Sunnyside, Carthegena Estate.  The Portfolio Holder advised that normally such appeals were defended by the Secretary of State without the need for any input from the local planning authority but that Council Officers were liaising with Counsel in order to determine whether the Council should have an input into this appeal.


(iv)        Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder


Councillor Webster reported that the Epping Forest Sports and Health Inclusion Project had been recognised as best practice and had received funding from Essex County Council of £38,500 for the delivery of the programme for a further year.


The Portfolio Holder advised that the Epping Forest Youth Council had been nominated for a High Sheriff’s award for their work concerning safety around young people. The Chairman asked the Portfolio Holder to pass on the District Council’s congratulations to the Youth Council.