Agenda item

Reports from the Leader and Members of the Cabinet

To receive reports from the Leader and members of the Cabinet on matters falling within their area of responsibility:


(a)         Report of the Leader;

(b)     Report of the Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder;

(c)         Report of the Environment Portfolio Holder;

(d)     Report of the Finance and Technology Portfolio Holder;

(e)         Report of the Housing Portfolio Holder;

(f)      Report of the Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder;

(g)         Report of the Planning Portfolio Holder;    

(h)     Report of the Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder;

(i)      Report of the Support Services Portfolio Holder.


The Council received written reports from the Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder, the Environment Portfolio Holder, the Finance and Technology Portfolio Holder, the Housing Portfolio Holder, the Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder, the Planning Portfolio Holder, the Safer, Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder and the Support Services Portfolio Holder.


The Chairman invited the Leader to provide an oral report and other members of the Cabinet to give an oral update of their written reports.


(a)        The Leader of the Council


Councillor Whitbread referred to the recent inclement weather and, whilst expressing greatest sympathy with the people who lived in the worst affected areas in Somerset and the Thames Valley, drew attention to a number of flooding incidents which had occurred in this District.  He advised that as usual when faced with an emergency, the community had pulled together to support and help each other.  He referred to the assistance given by Town and Parish Councils and expressed thanks to the District Council’s own Land Drainage Team who had worked extremely hard monitoring and reacting to rising water levels, ensuring that storm grills and culverts were kept clear and that sandbags were available to those householders at immediate risk.


The Leader stated that several years ago, when a number of responsibilities had been taken back by the Environment Agency, this Council had taken the decision to retain and resource its own Land Drainage Team.  This had been in recognition that flooding was the highest risk on the Council’s Emergency Planning Risk Register, and a topic of serious concern to many local people.  He expressed the view that in the light of the recent bad weather this had proved to be the correct decision.


Councillor Whitbread reported that he had met with the Leader and Planning Portfolio Holder of Harlow Council to consider Local Plans.  He reminded members that under the “Duty to Co-operate” the Council was required to consult with neighbouring authorities and said he was pleased that the dialogue with Harlow was leading to a clearer understanding of the major issues facing both councils.


The Leader stated that he had attended the Master Planning Workshop at North Weald Village Hall on 25 January 2014.  He stated that the workshop had been well attended by local residents who should be congratulated for their positive approach to the exercise.


Councillor Whitbread reported that he had attended the launch of the Investors in Youth Awards at the Marriott Hotel, hosted by Eleanor Laing, MP.  He advised that this had been another very positive event aimed at encouraging businesses to provide employment opportunities to local young people.  He pointed that the Council’s own Apprentice Scheme was proving very successful and he expressed the hope that as many local businesses as possible would give local young people a chance to gain employment and develop new skills.


The Council noted that on 6 February 2014, the Leader had attended the Essex Leaders’ and Chief Executives’ Forum in Chelmsford.  The topics considered had included a draft Economic Development Strategy for the County in respect of which he had sought to ensure that Epping Forest District received a fair share of any external funding.  He continued that the meeting had also received presentations on the progress being made on Health and Social Care Integration and the implications of the new Care Bill, which would lift the cap on care costs, and place considerable financial strain on the County Council.  He reported that the meeting had also been advised of some review work that was due to start shortly on the Inter-Authority Waste Agreement.


(b)       Other Portfolio Holders


There were no updates from other Portfolio Holders on their written reports.


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