Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Panel Framework Review - Recommendations of Task & Finish Panel

(Councillor Mrs. M. Sartin) To consider the attached report of the Task and Finish Panel, setting out recommendations for the future structure of the Council’s overview and scrutiny framework.


In the absence of the Chairman of the Task and Finish Panel the Vice Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel Review Task and Finish Panel, Councillor Sartin introduced their final report and recommendations.


The Committee noted that they had been established in July 2014 to review the Council’s existing Scrutiny Panel framework. They had met on four occasions since then and had held a workshop to explore their alternatives.


With the revision of the Council management structure in December 2013, reducing the service directorates down to four, the Panel considered the creation of a four panel structure to align with the new directorates. This proposal arose in part, due to the existing arrangements, where not all service areas were subject to scrutiny by any particular Panel.


Part of the Panel’s research involved having a scrutiny workshop held on Saturday 22 November. All members were invited. They covered Panel structure issues and ongoing scrutiny training needs. At another session they invited Panel Chairmen and Vice Chairmen to discuss what they felt worked well and what did not.  They also carried out stakeholder interviews with senior officers to gain further insight.


The Panel also considered the possible combination of the Audit and Governance Committee with the Standards Committee as part of a new select committee framework. On consideration the Panel agreed that the possible combination of the Audit and Governance Committee and the Standards Committee should be omitted from its recommendations as to the future structure of the Overview and Scrutiny framework.


Councillor Surtees said that he was impressed with the workshop but asked if the new committees would have a flexible way of working and how could the workload of the proposed four committees be balanced fairly. Also, would the new structure be subject to a review period. Councillor Sartin replied that a review period had been discussed but did not find its way into the recommendations. Mr Hill added that it was thought inadvisable to do this too quickly after the start, it would need at least an 18 month period for the new system to bed down. In the end it was thought that a review would not be necessary in the short term. As for flexible working, officers are looking at this and considering various training courses. There was nothing in the rules to preclude different ways of working. ‘Flexibility in the system’ was part of the report.


Councillor Murray agreed with the report and all its recommendations. It was an excellent job. He thanked the Panel for inviting the Scrutiny Panel Chairmen to put their views forward at the start of the process.


Councillor Sartin said that the workshop had proved very successful and there were plans to hold workshops along similar lines in the future. She encouraged members to attend. She thanked all the officers and members who had participated in this review and for responding to the consultations.




(1)       That a new Overview and Scrutiny framework, based on a structure of four ‘select committees’, be established with effect from the commencement of the 2015/16 municipal year;


(2)       That the titles and general responsibilities of each select committee be as set out in the appendix to the report (attached);


(3)       That, at the present time, no increase be made in the number of members appointed to each select committee, and that this remain at eleven councillors in accordance with pro-rata provisions;


(4)       That the Director of Governance report to the Council to seek the re-establishment of the existing Constitution and Member Services Scrutiny Panel as a new ‘Constitution Working Group’ from 2015/16, as a result of the implementation of the new scrutiny panel framework;


(5)       That, to ensure continuity during its on-going review of the Council’s constitution, the Council be recommended to reappoint the existing members of the Constitution and Member Services Scrutiny Panel to the Constitution Working Group (wherever possible) and that no variation be made in the number of members appointed to the Working Group;


(6)       That the report of the Director of Governance recommend that the Constitution Working Group report directly to the Council in connection with its work programme, rather than the Overview and Scrutiny Committee;


(7)       That, subject to the concurrence of the Remuneration Panel, a Special Responsibility Allowance be awarded to the Chairman of the Constitution Working Group, as a result of the disbanding of the Constitution and Member Services Scrutiny Panel;


(8)       That no action be taken at the present time with regard to any possible combination of the Audit and Governance Committee and the Standards Committee but that, if necessary, a further Task and Finish Panel be established in future to consider such combination in light of new legislative audit requirements;


(9)       That focused and achievable work programmes be developed for each select committee each year, drawing on Portfolio Holder and service delivery aims and objectives, and relevant community priorities;


(10)    That the current induction and on-going training arrangements for members in respect of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny function, be reviewed and enhanced as appropriate;


(11)    That the select committees be encouraged to use a variety of appropriate techniques and methodologies as set out in the report, in the undertaking of future scrutiny and service review activity; and


(12)    That, subject to the agreement of the above recommendations, the Council formally be advised of the proposals of the Task and Finish Panel, in view of the likely wider member interest in the establishment of a new Overview and Scrutiny framework.



Supporting documents: