Agenda item


(a)          To consider the updated work programme


The current Overview and Scrutiny work programme is attached for information.


(b)          Reserve Programme


A reserve list of scrutiny topics is required to ensure that the work flow of OSC is continuous.


OSC will ‘pull out’ items from the list and allocate them accordingly once space becomes available in the work programme following the completion of existing reviews.


Members can put forward any further suggestions for inclusion in the reserve list either during the meeting or at a later date.


Existing review items will be dealt with first, then time will be allocated to the items contained in the reserve work plan.


(a)  Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Committee noted their work programme to date which was now complete. An outturn report in respect of Item 6 Key Objectives 2014/15 was due in July 2015.


(b)  Scrutiny Panels


(i)    Housing Scrutiny Panel


The Panel Chairman had tendered his apologies for this meeting. It was noted that the Panel had made good progress during the year, some unfinished items were being transferred to the new Housing Select Committee.


(ii)          Constitution and Member Services Scrutiny Panel


The Panel Chairman advised that this Panel would cease to exist at the end of this municipal year, but its current work regarding the review of the Constitution would be continued by the new Constitution Working Party reporting directly to Council.


(iii)         Safer Cleaner Greener Scrutiny Panel


The Panel Chairman advised that their last meeting would have representatives from Thames Water in attendance.


(iv)         Planning Scrutiny Panel


The Panel Chairman advised that the Panel met for the last time on 14 April 2015. They discussed the progress made on the management of electronic information and systems. Work was on-going with scanning paper files and in converting to an electronic database historical microfiche planning records.

They received an update on the Local Plan, advising that the consultant’s final report on updating the Strategic Housing Market Assessment had been delayed as new household projections had been published by the Government. The draft final report was expected very soon.

A Member workshop was being scheduled for May to report on policy choices for the Community Infrastructure Levy and S106 Agreements.

There would be an extra meeting of the Local Council’s Liaison Committee on 15 June 2015 to discuss the Phase 1 report of the Green Belt Review.

The Panel was notified that there were three Neighbourhood Plans being consulted on or considered. New regulations stipulated that future designations would need to be made within 8 weeks. The District Council would be writing to all local councils outlining the level of support, guidance and funding available, to those progressing Neighbourhood Plans.

The District Council were objecting to the proposed scheme by Enfield Borough Council regarding the North Gateway Access Road and would be attending the examination at the end of this month with local council’s representatives as well.

The Planning Policy Portfolio Holder advised that he had attended a liaison meeting held at City Hall in London regarding the strengthening of communication between agencies in planning and development matters. This would be a regular fixture in the future.

The Chairman said that the Planning Scrutiny Panel had completed its Work Programme for this municipal year.

Members asked about placing an item in the Bulletin about a Local Plan workshop scheduled for 19 May 2015. Officers advised they could do this although a letter had been sent to each Councillor notifying them of the workshop.

(v)          Finance and Performance Management Scrutiny Panel


The Panel Chairman updated the Committee on its work. They had their last meeting in March, when, they had completed most of their Work Programme. There were three items which should be carried over to the new Select Committee representing this area, these were:


·         Item 11 Sickness Absence

·         Item 14 Call response/handling performance indicator

·         Item 15 Use/cost of consultants


(c)  Task and Finish Panels


(i)            Grant Aid Review Task and Finish Panel


The Panel’s Terms of Reference had been agreed at the last Committee meeting, they would now carry over into the new municipal year when they would be looking at the Citizens Advice Bureau and Voluntary Action Epping Forest.


(ii)          Youth Engagement Task and Finish Panel


It was reported that this Panel had met on 20 April and would be meeting again on 18 May. Their terms of reference would be going to the next Overview and Scrutiny Committee for agreement.


(d)  Reserve Programme


The Members were reminded that they should use the established PICK form for submitting new items of scrutiny work.

Supporting documents: