Agenda item

Invest to Save Funding Bid - Provision of the Off Street Parking Arrangements in the District

(Safer, Greener & Transport Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-076-2015/16).


(1)        That the attached Invest to Save Funding bid for the costs associated with the procurement process for the management of the Council off street car parks be agreed; and


(2)        That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet detailing the Procurement Strategy, potential savings, set up costs and timeline for the delivery of off street parking operations outside of the North Essex Parking Partnership.


The Portfolio Holder for Safer, Greener & Transport presented a report on an ‘Invest to Save’ funding bid for the provision of the Off Street Parking Arrangements in the District.


The Portfolio Holder reminded the Cabinet that it had agreed to give notice of withdrawal from the Off Street Parking element of the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) at its meeting on 11 January 2016. This notice had to be served by 31 March 2016 and would allow the Council to operate the Off Street Car Parking operation itself from 1 April 2017. When making this decision, the Cabinet considered the scoping report by Road Traffic Act Associates (RTAA) which concluded that there were clear financial advantages for the Council to depart from the Off Street Parking element of NEPP. The Cabinet also recognised that the Council did not possess the in-house expertise to carry out the procurement exercise for the appointment of a provider for the Off Street Enforcement operations, cash collections, pay and display machine maintenance and administration, and also agreed to set aside Contract Standing Orders to enable the appointment of RTAA to assist the Council with the procurement process.


The Portfolio Holder reported that £15,000 had previously been approved from the ‘Invest to Save’ fund for the work undertaken by RTAA for the scoping report; there was £10,000 of this sum left. It was estimated that a further £15,000 would be required for the appointment of RTAA to provide the Council with specialist advice during the procurement process for the management of the Off Street Car Parks across the District, and these monies was again being sought from the 'Invest to Save’ fund. A further report would be submitted to the Cabinet in due course outlining the Procurement Strategy, potential savings, implementation costs, and a schedule for the delivery of Off Street Parking Operations.


The Cabinet welcomed the report but one or two Members expressed concern over ‘wizardry with figures’. A local Member for Loughton Broadway commented that the performance of the NEPP had been derisory, both in respect of On and Off Street Parking enforcement, and there was an overwhelming argument to bring the Off Street Parking enforcement back in-house. The Portfolio Holder explained that, since the NEPP had taken control of the Off Street Car Parks, the revenue for the Council for enforcement had halved; although it was highlighted that the Council did not enforce solely to make money.




(1)        That the Invest to Save Funding bid for the costs associated with the procurement process for the management of the Council off street car parks be agreed; and


(2)        That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet detailing the Procurement Strategy, potential savings, set up costs and timeline for the delivery of off street parking operations outside of the North Essex Parking Partnership.


Reasons for Decision:


To ensure the Council had expert professional advice when it procured a service provider for the Off Street Car Parking enforcement, cash collection and administration services.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


To not seek external expert advice would mean that the Council would not be able to prepare a modern and fit for purpose technical tender specification.

Supporting documents: