Agenda item

Review of Epping Cash Office

(Finance Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-039-2015/16).


(1)        That the manned front-line cash office at the Civic Offices in Epping be closed from 1 July 2016 and an alternative solution using payment kiosks be implemented;


(2)        That the ‘Invest to Save’ Fund be utilised for the purchase of two payment kiosks in the sum of £20,000 and for an additional allocation in the sum of £10,000 to cover any necessary building works;


(3)        That Contract Standing Order C4(2) be waived for the purchase of the payment kiosks due to the successful operation of the same kiosk at Waltham Abbey Library, which itself was subject to a tender process;


(4)        That one FTE Grade 4 Cashier post be deleted from the establishment;


(5)        That the post holders be treated within the provisions of the Council’s Redundancy and Redeployment Procedure; and


(6)        That revenue savings in the sum of £15,170 for 2016/17 (equivalent full-year savings £20,230) through the implementation of the payment kiosks be noted.


The Finance Portfolio Holder presented a report on the review of the Epping Cash Office.


The Portfolio Holder reported that the focus of the Cashiers service had increasingly changed away from front-line cash-receipting to developing and supporting the varied payment channels now available for residents, businesses and services to use. The success of the payment kiosk at Waltham Abbey Library had led Officers to believe that a similar provision could be applied to the Epping Cash Desk at the Civic Offices. This would generate revenue savings of £20,000 per annum, principally through the deletion of one full-time equivalent post from the establishment, who would be treated in accordance with the Council’s Redundancy & Redeployment Procedure. Therefore, it was proposed that Contract Standing Order C4(2) be waived and the Invest to Save fund be used for the purchase of two payment kiosks for £20,000. A further £10,000 would be necessary to fund some alterations to the building to accommodate the kiosks.


The Director of Resources added that there was a cost involved with payment kiosks, and a certain level of usage would need to be ensured if they were to be installed at any other locations around the District. The aim was to encourage as many electronic transactions as possible, especially Direct Debits. The Cash Office also doubled as the reception area for Council Tax and Housing Benefits, and following installation of the cash kiosk, there would be Officers present in this area to assist residents in their use of the kiosks. It would also be relatively easy to move the kiosks at a later date into the main reception area following the Customer Contact Review.




(1)        That the manned front-line cash office at the Civic Offices in Epping be closed from 1 July 2016 and an alternative solution using payment kiosks be implemented;


(2)        That the ‘Invest to Save’ Fund be utilised for the purchase of two payment kiosks in the sum of £20,000 and for an additional allocation in the sum of £10,000 to cover any necessary building works;


(3)        That Contract Standing Order C4(2) be waived for the purchase of the payment kiosks due to the successful operation of the same kiosk at Waltham Abbey Library, which itself was subject to a tender process;


(4)        That one FTE Grade 4 Cashier post be deleted from the establishment;


(5)        That the post holders be treated within the provisions of the Council’s Redundancy and Redeployment Procedure; and


(6)        That revenue savings in the sum of £15,170 for 2016/17 (equivalent full-year savings £20,230) through the implementation of the payment kiosks be noted.


Reasons for Decision:


The work of the Epping Cash Desk had changed drastically over recent years with an increasing focus away from face-to-face transactions and towards new emerging payment channels offering flexibility for users and services alike. The front-facing income collection could be delivered using payment kiosks, as seen at Waltham Abbey library, and achieve revenue savings of £20,000 per annum without affecting service delivery.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


To retain the current cash desk provision at the Epping Civic Centre.


To undertake a full tendering exercise for the two new payment kiosks.


To not utilise the Invest to Save fund for the purchase of the kiosks.

Supporting documents: