Agenda item

Epping Forest Shopping Park - Progress Report

(Asset Management & Economic Development Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-037-2015/16).


(1)        That progress with the Epping Forest Shopping Park project be noted; and


(2)        That, in addition to ongoing regular reports to the Cabinet, future detailed monitoring of the project be undertaken by the Asset Management & Economic Development Cabinet Committee.


The Portfolio Holder for Asset Management & Economic Development presented a progress report on the Epping Forest Shopping Park.


The Portfolio Holder stated that strong interest in the Shopping Park from major retailers continued to be shown and work was continuing on drafting the Heads of Terms and the fittings requirements for each potential tenant. It was hoped that the ‘anchor’ tenants would be formally signed up very soon. In relation to the governance arrangements in place, the Cabinet had been receiving regular monitoring reports at each meeting, with key decisions having been taken by both the Cabinet and the Council. It was now proposed that the Asset Management & Economic Development Cabinet Committee should take responsibility for more detailed monitoring of the scheme. The practical arrangements for this was due to be discussed at the next meeting of the Cabinet Committee on 15 October 2015.


In response to questioning from the Members present, the Portfolio Holder advised the Cabinet that there had been no assessment performed of the impact the Shopping Park would have on other shopping areas in the District. However, studies had previously shown that a lot of the potential retail spend by residents was lost to centres outside the District. The Deputy Chief Executive added that the Council already promoted the local centres throughout the District through initiatives such as One Shop Local managed by the Economic Development Team. The Leader of Council requested that details of the marketing campaign for the Shopping Park be included in the next progress report. The Portfolio Holder also undertook to include the potential project risks in future monitoring reports.


The Council’s Consultant advised the Cabinet that the prospective opening time for the Shopping Park would be known following receipt of the tenders for the Main Build and Section 278 works contracts on 7 December 2015. The original target date was October 2016, but some of the units could take up to four weeks to fit out, so the secondary target date was Easter 2017 if the Park would not be ready to open before Christmas 2016. For the Section 278 works, the Highways Agency (Essex County Council) would not allow all three items of work to be progressed at the same time, and risk traffic backing up on the M11 motorway. Therefore, it was expected that works would continue until 8.00pm each evening in an effort to complete the schemes as soon as possible. The Highways works would also improve access to the Loughton Broadway.




(1)        That progress with the Epping Forest Shopping Park project be noted; and


(2)        That, in addition to ongoing regular reports to the Cabinet, future detailed monitoring of the project be undertaken by the Asset Management & Economic Development Cabinet Committee.


Reasons for Decision:


To appraise the Cabinet on the current progress with the Epping Forest Shopping Park project, as requested.


To allow more detailed monitoring of the project to be undertaken through the Cabinet Committee.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


To allow more detailed monitoring of the project to be undertaken by the Cabinet; however, it was felt that the Asset Management & Economic Development Cabinet Committee would be better suited to this role.

Supporting documents: