Agenda item

Review of the Local Plan (Update)

(Director of Neighbourhoods) to consider the update on the current position of the Local Plan.



The Planning Policy Manager, Mr Ken Bean introduced the report updating the Committee on the Local Plan progress. They noted that the next key stage in the Local Development Scheme was Council approval of the Data Plan Preferred Approach next Spring ahead of full public consultation which was anticipated between July and September 2016.


Mr Bean reminded the committee of the upcoming dates of member briefings and workshops on the Local Plan and that there would be a further series of workshops on other policies starting again in February 2016.


In relation to housing, an updated Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) has been produced in conjunction with the other authorities within our Housing Market Area: East Herts, Harlow and Uttlesford.  The final SHMA was formally considered by the SHMA partners at the Cooperation for Sustainable Development Board meeting on 22nd September and was then subsequently added as part of the Local Plan evidence base, together with the related economic and employment evidence, following consideration at the 8th October Cabinet meeting. 


The SHMA provided figures for the Objectively Assessed Housing Need (OAHN) for Epping Forest District and the other areas covered by SHMA (East Herts, Harlow and Uttlesford). The OAHN figure in Epping Forest District was 11,300 dwellings up to 2033 but it was important to understand that this was not the housing target for the District. The Council had still to determine its housing target, although the production of the SHMA was an important milestone towards doing so.


Since the completion of SHMA in October, the Government had published the Housing and Planning Bill; this necessitated that consideration be given to potential impacts for the SHMA, particularly in relation to starter homes and gypsy traveller accommodation.


A more detailed report covering ‘Economic and Employment Evidence to Support the Local Plan and Economic Development Strategy’ had been completed for EFDC alone. It identified jobs growth in the range of 400-455 additional jobs per year from 2011-2033 and provided a detailed analysis of the assessed economic need, in terms of employment floorspace and types to be provided though the EFDC Local Plan.


It was noted that the Green Belt Review had moved to a more detailed stage 2 level, looking more closely at a number of broad locations across the District identified by the Stage 1 work.


Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers were finalising their draft Neighbourhood Plan which, following publication for a six week period for representations, goes forward to independent examination.  There are seven other Parish and Town Councils that had applied to designate neighbourhood planning areas for their areas which had been approved (Chigwell, Epping, Buckhurst Hill, Theydon Bois, Loughton, North Weald Bassett and Epping Upland).


Officers and Members continue to meet regularly with appropriate authorities, principally through the Cooperation for Sustainable Development officer group and Member Board, to consider a wide range of cross boundary issues. The Lea Valley glass house industry was one of the matters considered at the Enfield, Essex and Hertfordshire Border Liaison Group Member meeting held on 29th October. This meeting also received presentations on Crossrail 2 and the Hertfordshire Transport Vision, both of which are currently the subject of public consultation.  


Officers have also been involved in transport work being undertaken by the London Borough of Enfield, opposing reference to construction of a new access road in the North East Enfield Area Action Plan and are keeping a watching brief on wider transport work being undertaken as part of Enfield’s Northern Gateway Access Package (NGAP). An update of the NGAP transport work was also provided at the recent Border Liaison Group Meeting. Councillor Bassett reported that along with the Planning Policy Manager, he had recently attended a meeting of concerned residents in Enfield called by the local MP at which he defended our position on the NGAR/NGAP, correcting a few misapprehensions and explaining the problems any additional road link would cause to this District.


Councillor Bassett noted that under SHMA we were initially earmarked to have 16,000 houses and had therefore done well to bring it down to 11,300 OAHN figure. We still have a lot more evidence base work to do followed by consulting with neighbouring authorities before a housing target was reached. However, he noted that work had now started on considering what matters individual policies included in the Local Plan ought to address and that the member (District and Parish/Town Council representative) workshops were underway to consult and carry this out in a non-political way.


Councillor Patel asked if officers were consulting with the youth of the District. Mr Bean said that they were looking at using Social Media and for PR to engage as widely as possible with the youth through use of these media.


Councillor Waller noted that eight areas were seeking to implement a Neighbourhood Plan. We were expected to assist with this, but what demands did this place on our resources. He was told that there was a growing demand and they had appointed someone within the Policy Team in August to take the lead on Neighbourhood Planning and engagement with the 24 town and parish councils in fulfilling EFDC’s statutory duty to support. The Government were also proposing significant revisions for Neighbourhood Planning to speed up the process, thus placing more demands on the team. There were various levels of funding available to help us and that a report would be going to the December Cabinet meeting. The Elections section was gearing up to the need to hold neighbourhood plans referendums in due course. With resourcing issues in mind, officers had therefore written to all Town and Parish Councils asking about their intentions in relation to neighbourhood planning. 





That the progress made on the Local Plan was noted.


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