Agenda item

Response to DCLG Technical Consultation on the NPP

To receive a report the DCLG consultation on the proposed changes to the National Planning Policy.


Report to follow.


Mr Ken Bean, the Planning Policy Manager introduced the report on the response to the proposed changes to the national planning policy consultation.  The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published in 2012 and was supported by the online Planning Practice Guidance. Amendments are now proposed to the NPPF which encompassed the following:


·         Broadening the definition of affordable housing, to expand the range of low cost housing opportunities for those aspiring to own their new home (this includes the Government’s intention to introduce Starter Homes as a type of low cost home ownership);


·         Increasing the density of development around commuter hubs, to make more efficient use of land in suitable locations;


·         Supporting sustainable new settlements, development on brownfield land and small sites (up to 10 units), and delivery of housing allocated in plans; and


·         Supporting delivery of starter homes.


The consultation period, which commenced on 7 December, had now been extended to 22 February 2016. There were nine sections contained with the consultation paper and 23 questions on which answers were sought. A discussion of the issues raised in response to the proposed changes in the NPPF in accordance with the questions posed was put in the appendix to the report for consideration.


Mr Bean commented that if members had comments on the proposed answers drafted by officers to the CLG consultation then they could report them to him by 29 January. These would then be considered prior to sending the final version of EFDC’s response that Councillor Bassett, as the Portfolio Holder responsible for planning policy, would sign off in time to meet the extended DCLG deadline.


Mr Bean added that the Housing and Planning Bill was now going through Parliament, the devil would be in the detail which he anticipated coming forward fairly soon in the form of draft regulations.  In relation to the current NPPF consultation the key was the changes proposed to the affordable housing definition through introduction of starter homes for first time buyers aged below 40 and exactly how this would be implemented. Also, Epping Forest District bordered four London Boroughs (Enfield, Redbridge, Havering and Waltham Forest).  There was very real concern that the disparity between the Starter Homes property value limit in London Boroughs (£450,000) compared with Districts immediately outside of London such as Epping Forest (£250,000), very few property types and areas within Epping Forest District were likely to qualify and where they did could lead to demand for properties from people currently in residence outside of the District.  At present it was not clear what the mechanism for registering an interest in purchasing a Starter Home would be, or how this would be managed.


Councillor Brady expressed her concerns about Brownfield sites in the Green Belt and if they could be developed. Mr Bean replied that responding to the current NPPF consultation was the Council’s opportunity to put our views on this to the government. He also noted that in relation to Starter Homes there was no requirement for S106 agreements and therefore questioned how supporting infrastructure was likely to be funded / provided, particularly in Green Belt locations which by definition were likely to be in more remote and therefore less sustainable locations with limited existing provision.


Councillor Sartin said that with the extended time to reply, Members could look at it in more detail and give a considered response to Mr Bean and his team by 29 January.


Councillor Surtees wondered if we could join up with other authorities and give a joint co-ordinated response. Councillor Bassett replied that the problem was that we only got 6 weeks to respond and would not be able to co-ordinate our response in that time. We do let other authorities know what we would say and so could follow our lead.


Mr Macnab said that this could also be put into the Council Bulletin for wider consultation.




(1)  That the proposed responses to the questions set in the Government’s consultation paper on changes to the National Planning Policy be considered; and


(2)  That any considered addition to the responses be sent to either Mr K Bean or Councillor Bassett by 29 January 2016.

Supporting documents: