Agenda item

Extension of the Visitor and Tourism Development Post

(Asset Management & Economic Development Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-066-2015/16).


(1)        That a District Development Fund growth bid in the sum of £35,000 for 2016/17 be agreed to fund a one year extension to the Visitor and Tourism Development Officer post; and


(2)        That external partnership funding be sought for future years before any further extension be considered.


The Portfolio Holder for Asset Management & Economic Development presented a report on the extension of the Visitor and Tourism Development post.


The Portfolio Holder reminded the Cabinet that Tourism had been identified as a key emerging growth sector in the Local Plan. It currently generated almost £200million of income to the local economy and provided almost 7% of local jobs. Partners in the industry and the neighbouring local authorities were working together to grow this sector, around the many current attractions as well as potential future attractions and opportunities.


The Portfolio Holder stated that the Visitor and Tourism Development post was originally agreed on a one year contract, funded by the District Council, to examine the potential growth in the industry and support the emerging Local Plan Evidence Base. A range of opportunities to grow and support the industry locally had been identified, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report. The current post was funded until 16 March 2016, and the One Epping Forest Economic Board had discussed and requested an extension to the current post to enable this work to continue and for key projects to be completed. It was proposed to extend the post for a further year, again funded by the District Council, and that other partners should be canvassed to secure joint funding for any future extension.


The Local Strategic Partnership Manager added that no charge was made for attendance at the annual Tourism Conference, as sponsorship was obtained from the host venue. In any case, the budget for the conference was less than £500. The Portfolio Holder advised that the Council did liaise with the Town Centre Partnerships to increase their footfall, and the Visitor and Tourism Development Officer had encouraged the Town Centres to attract tourists into their areas. A new website would highlight the attractions of the local High Streets.


The Cabinet supported the proposal as it was felt that the District was popular with visitors from London.




(1)        That a District Development Fund growth bid in the sum of £35,000 for 2016/17 be agreed to fund a one year extension to the Visitor and Tourism Development Officer post; and


(2)        That external partnership funding be sought for future years before any further extension be considered.


Reasons for Decision:


Tourism was a key economic development and growth priority in the emerging Local Plan. This had recently been ratified by Members at the Local Plan Economic Development workshop. There were other projects driven by Members in conjunction with partner organisations that required ongoing support, input and management. These included the Visit Epping Forest programme of events, i.e. website re-launch, tourism summit, cross border/joint promotion and marketing via the Tourism Board and the Local Plan Co-Operation group.


Other Options Considered and Rejected:


To not extend the role. However, there would not be the capacity to identify and deliver new tourism opportunities to the detriment of the local economy, and maintain ongoing liaison, with neighbouring authorities, private organisations and other public sector bodies, as required under the National Planning Policy Framework Duty to Cooperate.

Supporting documents: