Agenda item

Premises Licence Application for Waltham Abbey Driving Range, Brooker Road, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1JH

(Director of Neighbourhoods) To consider the attached report.


The three Councillors that presided over this item were Councillor B Surtees, C P Pond and D Dorrell.


The Chairman introduced the Members and Officers present and outlined the procedure that would be followed for the determination of the application. The Chairman welcomed the applicant H Paris and his spoke person A Reynolds.


(a)          The Application before the Sub-Committee


The Licensing Compliance Officer, S Moran introduced the application. The application had been made by Mr Harry Paris for Waltham Abbey Driving Range Ltd, Brooker road, Waltham Abbey. The applicant was requesting a new premises licence for the supply of alcohol on and off the premises Monday – Sunday 12:00 – 23.00. There had been no representation from the responsible authorities and 1 representation from an interested party. There were no objectors present.


(b)          Presentation of the Applicant’s Case


A Reynolds advised that the driving range had opened in August 2015 and was a family run business, which provided a driving range for all ages and refreshments, provided in a lounge area. The cliental was predominantly 70% male; professionals, 30-65 year olds and they also provided children’s golf sessions. A Reynolds advised that customers had suggested that the range would benefit by having a premises licence to allow users to have a drink after they had played. The refreshments would be mainly bottled beers and wine. A Reynolds advised that the objections raised by Waltham Abbey Town Council about anti social behaviour around the area, were incorrect as the anti social behaviour had actually decreased since they had taken on the driving range. The range had been secured and was regularly checked, with offers made to the adjacent diamond pitch and Essex Arrows; to help secure their area. The applicant had also offered to extend their CCTV and power supply to the Essex Arrows.


(c)          Questions for the Applicant from the Sub-Committee


Councillor C P Pond asked whether the driving range was open to only members. A Reynolds advised that it was open to both members and the general public.


Councillor D Dorrell asked about the request for the off licence part of the application. The Licensing Compliance Officer advised that as the premises had a patio, where customers could sit with their drinks, this was now covered in the requirements for an on and off licence premises. H Paris also advised that they sold gift packages where they would like to add a bottle of beer or brandy to the package. 


Councillor B Surtees asked who was going to be the DPS. A Reynolds advised that H Paris would under take the training required and would be the DPS.


(d)          Closing Statement from the Applicant


A Reynolds advised that it was a family run business and the driving range had reduced anti social behaviour. The staff would take the relevant training and the application had taken the licensing objectives into consideration.


(e)          Consideration of the Application by the Sub-Committee


The Sub-Committee asked the applicant to leave the chamber while they considered the application in private. During their deliberations the Sub-Committee received no further advice from the officers present.




(1)  That the application for Premises Licence for Waltham Abbey, Driving Range, Booker Road, Waltham Abbey be granted subject to the conditions set out within the application.

Supporting documents: