Agenda item

Leisure Management Contract

(Director of Neighbourhoods) To report on 1st Leisure Management Contract Partnership Board meeting held on 6 November 2017.


D Macnab said that a Partnership Board (PB) had been established and would be similar to the PBs for Waste Management and the Off Street Car Parking Contract. The first meeting was held on 6 November and was chaired by Councillor H Kane, Leisure and Community Services Portfolio Holder. The membership was comprised of Councillors R Brookes, G Chambers, P Keska, R Morgan plus two observers, Councillors S Murray and S Neville. The Places for People (Leisure) (PfP) comprised T Goodhand – Operations Director, D Jolliffe – Area Manager and M Nicholson – Contract Manager. The minutes would be published shortly on the Intranet at


The PB had published its Terms of Reference which detailed it aims, memberships, functions and duties, which were revised slightly at the first PB meeting. PfP gave a presentation detailing the company, its staff and the investments it had made since taking over the contract in April 2017. Members had been happy with the improvements made. This had included the re-development of the squash courts at Epping to accommodate the league matches and junior coaching sessions, which was now resolved. A report would be going to Cabinet on 6 December 2017 about proposed crèche facilities at Loughton. This leisure centre was very well used and one of the best in the country. PfP would be completely refurbishing the centre and investing in its future. There had been significant uplifts in membership, especially a high demand for the ‘swim only’ membership scheme. PfP had submitted its proposed fees and charges from April 2018 but these would only increase by the rate of inflation. Any fee proposals over and above would need a specific agreement. There had been staffing issues which had included the closure of the café and crèche at Loughton the reason of which were detailed in the PB minutes. The local leisure forums were not an ideal way for handling issues and did not usually have a good turnout. There was a move by PfP towards regular meetings whereby their fitness managers would talk directly with customers on a regular basis.


Councillor A Patel commented that the consultation processes did not seem to be working in the leisure centres. D Macnab said that this could have been better at Loughton. PfP were more proactive and there was better publicity. They had undertaken numerous meetings with café and crèche users. Councillor A Patel asked how the Council would gauge feedback from members if the forums only had small attendance numbers and to engage with the wider public. Also could the Council look at how complaints are handled and the membership made aware of these complaints along with the PB. D Macnab said that PfP talked face to face with customers and had also organised a customer comments / feedback system and collated evaluation sheets on courses etc. The contract with PfP had required a complaints procedure system as part of the contract. However, he advised that PfP was handling complaints as quickly as possible and they would be monitored on a regular basis.


Councillor J Jennings asked if there would be a recruitment drive for new members to which D Macnab replied that they had non-stop membership drives which were available to view on their website. PfP’s philosophy was a community orientated culture, visiting schools etc.


Councillor R Morgan said he was very impressed with PfP’s presentation and that the new management got on to complaints very quickly and that he was of the opinion that the contract was working well.