Issue - decisions

Facilities Management Capital and Revenue Requirements

07/11/2016 - Civic Offices, Commercial Property and Other Operational Buildings - Planned Maintenance Programme 2016/17 - 2020/21

(1)        That the Five Year Planned Maintenance Programme 2016/17 to 2020/21 for Operational and Commercial Properties be approved; and


(2)        That the Capital and Revenue budget requirements for essential and planned maintenance works at the Civic Offices, other Operational Buildings and Commercial property for the five year period 2016/17 to 2020/21 be approved (Appendices 1 and 2 of the report refer), including:


            (a)        Capital growth bids of:


                        (i)         £659,000 in 2018/19;


                        (ii)        £394,000 in 2019/20; and


                        (iii)       £292,000 in 2020/21; and


            (b)        Revenue growth bids of:


                        (i)         £45,240 in 2019/20; and


                        (ii)        £122,150 in 2020/21.