Issue - decisions

Review of the Careline Monitoring Service

09/02/2017 - Review of the Careline Monitoring Service

(1)        That, in accordance with Option Three in the report, the Council’s Careline Monitoring Service be outsourced to an external provider through a competitive tendering exercise;


(2)        That a further report be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet regarding:


            (a)        a restructure of Housing Older Peoples Services following the          Careline Service being outsourced; and


            (b)        future charges to users based on the cost of the outsourced             service;


(3)        That, in order to mitigate any risks to the service during the transitional period (as set out in the Risk Management Section of the report), budget provision be made as follows:


            (a)        retrospective approval be agreed under emergency budget provision for the purchase of the PNC call answering equipment funded by         a virement of £32,000 in 2016/2017 from the Non-Cost Reflective Repairs             Budget; and


            (b)        additional revenue funding of £38,000 be agreed as part of the         Housing Revenue Account budget in 2017/2018 in order to meet the costs of      the ex-gratia retention payments and any potential costs of handing over the       service to the manufacturer during periods of staff shortages.