Issue - meetings

Committees etc - Nominations

Meeting: 14/05/2015 - Appointment Panel (Item 9.)

9. Committees etc - Nominations pdf icon PDF 39 KB

(a)        Nominations


To discuss and agree nominations to Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels. Schedules showing last years memberships and a version with those standing for election for completion/amendment of the required appointments is attached. A combined schedule will follow after the election.


(b)       Area Plans Sub-Committee South


To receive a report on the current position regarding members who wish to opt in to this Sub-Committee under the arrangements approved by the Council on 20 February 2007.


(c)        Overview and Scrutiny


Nominations to the new Overview and Scrutiny Select Committees and Task and Finish Panels are not required for the Annual Council Meeting. Nominations will be considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 9 June 2015.


A nomination form is attached.


Received nominations will be circulated separately.

Additional documents:

Meeting: 02/06/2014 - Appointment Panel (Item 9.)

9. Committees etc - Nominations pdf icon PDF 55 KB

(a)        Nominations


To discuss and agree nominations to Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels. Schedules showing last years memberships and a blank version for completion of the required appointments is attached. A combined schedule will follow after the election.


(b)       Area Plans Sub-Committee South


To receive a report on the current position regarding members who wish to opt in to this Sub-Committee under the arrangements approved by the Council on 20 February 2007.


(c)        Overview and Scrutiny


Nominations to the Overview and Scrutiny Standing and Task and Finish Panels are not required for the Annual Council Meeting. Nominations will be considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 1 July.


A Blank nomination form is attached.


Received nominations will be circulated separately.

Additional documents:

Meeting: 09/05/2013 - Appointment Panel (Item 9.)

9. Committees etc - Nominations pdf icon PDF 76 KB

(a)        Nominations


To discuss and agree nominations to Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels. A schedule of required appointments is attached. A combined schedule will follow after the election.


(b)       Area Plans Sub-Committee South


To receive a report on the current position regarding members who wish to opt in to this Sub-Committee under the arrangements approved by the Council on 20 February 2007.


(c)        Overview and Scrutiny


Nominations to the Overview and Scrutiny Standing and Task and Finish Panels are not required for the Annual Council Meeting. Nominations will be considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting in June 2013 but it would be helpful to officer if these could be completed as soon as possible.


A Blank nomination form is attached.

Additional documents:

Meeting: 10/05/2012 - Appointment Panel (Item 12.)

12. Committees etc - Nominations pdf icon PDF 79 KB

(a)        Nominations


To discuss and agree nominations to Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels. A schedule of required appointments is attached. A combined schedule will follow after the election.


(b)       Area Plans Sub-Committee South


To receive a report on the current position regarding members who wish to opt in to this Sub-Committee under the arrangements approved by the Council on 20 February 2007.


(c)        Overview and Scrutiny


Nominations to the Overview and Scrutiny Standing and Task and Finish Panels are not required for the Annual Council Meeting. Nominations will be considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting in June 2011.


A Blank nomination form is attached.


Received nominations will be circulated separately.

Additional documents:

Meeting: 17/05/2011 - Appointment Panel (Item 8.)

8. Committees etc - Nominations pdf icon PDF 88 KB

(a)        Nominations


To discuss and agree nominations to Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels.


(b)       Area Plans Sub-Committee South


To receive a report on the current position regarding members who wish to opt in to this Sub-Committee under the arrangements approved by the Council on 20 February 2007.


(c)        Additional Committee Appointments


To receive further nominations to those Committees missed off the original schedule for the following Committees:


·                Standards Committee

·                Committee for the Appointment of the Chief Executive

·                Electoral and Community Governance Review


(d)       Overview and Scrutiny


Nominations to the Overview and Scrutiny Standing and Task and Finish Panels are not required for the Annual Council Meeting. Nominations will be considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting in June 2011. Received nominations are attached.