55 Epping Forest Citizens Advice Bureau - Extension of Funding for Debt Advisors PDF 110 KB
(Housing Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-017-2017/18).
Additional documents:
(1) That the funding of the Epping Forest Citizens Advice Bureau’s (CAB) two existing Debt Advisors for a further year be agreed from 1 April 2018 and funded as follows:
(a) £37,800 from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA); and
(b) £4,200 from the General Fund District Development Fund (DDF).
In the absence of the Housing Portfolio Holder, who had tended her apologies for the meeting, the Leader of Council presented a report to extend the funding of two Debt Advisors with the Epping Forest Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB).
The Leader reminded the Cabinet that, at its meeting on 19 January 2017 (Minute 39 refers), the Finance and Performance Management Cabinet Committee had agreed the funding of the Epping Forest Citizens Advice Bureau’s two Debt Advisors for 2017/2018. The Bureau made a presentation to the Communities Select Committee in January this year on the use and outcomes of all the Council’s grant funding. The Bureau had been due to make a further presentation at the Communities Select Committee on 7 November 2017 but were now unable to do so due to the resignation of their District Manager. Both the Housing Portfolio Holder and the Communities Select Committee agreed that a report should be submitted directly to the Cabinet in order to ensure budget provision was made in the next financial year for the two Debt Advisors.
The Leader stated that, bearing in mind the reductions in the overall national Welfare Budget, there was an increased need for residents to receive continued support around personal budgeting and debt advice. Such advice was very valuable to the Council in both keeping rent arrears low and preventing homelessness. It was therefore recommended that the Citizens Advice Bureau’s Debt Advisors service should be extended for a further year from 1 April 2018, with funding of £37,800 from the Housing Revenue Account and £4,200 from the District Development Fund.
The Cabinet welcomed and supported the proposal, as the Council had supported the Citizens Advice Bureau in the District for a number of years now.
(1) That the funding of the Epping Forest Citizens Advice Bureau’s (CAB) two existing Debt Advisors for a further year be agreed from 1 April 2018 and funded as follows:
(a) £37,800 from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA); and
(b) £4,200 from the General Fund District Development Fund (DDF).
Reasons for Decision:
The funding of the Citizens Advice Bureau’s two existing Debt Advisors for a further year from 1 April 2018 would provide support to residents with personal budgeting and debt advice, and assist the Council in controlling rent arrears and preventing homelessness.
Other Options Considered and Rejected:
To not agree to extend the funding of the Citizens Advice Bureau’s two existing Debt Advisors for a further year from 1 April 2018.
To only extend the funding for one Citizens Advice Bureau Debt Advisor.
To provide funding for more than two Citizens Advice Bureau Debt Advisors.