Issue - meetings

Approval for consultation of Latton Priory Design Code

Meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 33)

33 Approval for consultation of Latton Priory Design Code pdf icon PDF 137 KB

(Cllr – N Bedford) To agree that the draft Strategic Design Code be approved for public consultation (C-012-2023-24). Please note Appendices 1 and 2 are attached separately to this agenda.

Additional documents:


(1)           That the Draft Latton Priory Strategic Design Code (Appendix A) be approved for public consultation for a six-week period; and


(2)           That the Planning Services Director, in consultation with the Place Portfolio Holder be authorised to make minor amendments to the Draft Latton Priory Strategic Design Code prior to publication for consultation.


Councillor N Bedford introduced the report. The Strategic Design Code focused particularly on strategies to encourage sustainable movement and create a high-quality public realm with the aim of realising a vibrant and resilient new neighbourhood in line with the Garden Town Vision. The design code also supported other policies within the adopted Local Plan, SP2 (Placeshaping) and SP3 (Development and Delivery of Garden Communities in the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town), including those relating to green and blue infrastructure (policies SP6 and DM5), sustainable transport choices (Policy T1) and high-quality design (Policies DM9 and DM10). The report provided an update on the aims, objectives and scope of the design code and confirmed the proposed consultation timescales on the draft design code document.


The Cabinet noted that the Strategic Design Code would be endorsed at a future Cabinet meeting, as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications for the Latton Priory strategic masterplan area.


The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendation and the decision.




(1)           That the Draft Latton Priory Strategic Design Code (Appendix A) be approved for public consultation for a six-week period; and


(2)           That the Planning Services Director, in consultation with the Place Portfolio Holder be authorised to make minor amendments to the Draft Latton Priory Strategic Design Code prior to publication for consultation.