45 Grounds Maintenance Update PDF 134 KB
(Regulatory Services – Cllr K Williamson) To consider and comment on the contents of the report (C-019-2023-24).
Additional documents:
The Regulatory Services Portfolio Holder, Councillor K Williamson, informed the Cabinet that this update had been pre-scrutinised by Place Scrutiny Committee in September. The report detailed the challenges that had arisen and the steps Qualis Property Solutions had taken to mitigate them while continuing to strive to improve performance and customer satisfaction where it could.
Councillor J Philip queried if there were still seven vacancies (see paragraph 6 of agenda report), but the Regulatory Interim Service Director, M Thompson, clarified that as four FT posts had been recruited to, there were three vacancies currently.
The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendation and the decision.
That the Cabinet considered and agreed the report noting that, as four FT posts had been recruited to, there were three posts currently vacant.