Issue - meetings

Place Delivery Strategy for Epping Forest District

Meeting: 18/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 80)

80 Place Delivery Strategy for Epping Forest District pdf icon PDF 131 KB

(Leader – Cllr C Whitbread) To endorse the Place Delivery Strategy as a strategic framework (C-033-2023-24).

Additional documents:


(1)           That the Cabinet noted the comments made by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 21 November 2023 together with the officer response.


(2)           That the Cabinet endorsed the Place Delivery Strategy for Epping Forest District as a strategic framework for informing the Council’s approach to managing and using its land and property assets (including through Qualis as a wholly owned company) and working in partnership with other public bodies to secure positive outcomes for the community of Epping Forest District.


(3)           That the Cabinet endorsed the next steps of developing an Action Plan for the creation of Place Plans as set out in the Place Delivery Strategy for Epping Forest District.


(4)           That the Cabinet delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, any minor changes to the Place Delivery Strategy as may be required following its consideration by the Council’s Cabinet.


Councillor N Bedford, Place Portfolio Holder, introduced the report on behalf of the Leader. The purpose of developing a Place Delivery Strategy for Epping Forest District was to provide a ‘high-level’ corporate framework which would draw on a range of existing plans and strategies in order to support the delivery of the Council’s ambitions through the use of its land and property holdings. It provided the opportunity moving forward to inform the development of other plans and strategies which were relevant to the use of those land and property assets whether they were within its direct ownership or through its delivery arm Qualis  It also provided the opportunity to influence how other public bodies made use of their own property and land assets within the district to support the achievement of the Council’s objectives and priorities.


A summary of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s comments was provided in the agenda report. It was noted that in response to a member of the public’s enquiry, recommendation (4) below would give the flexibility to recognise and amend minor changes to the Place Delivery Strategy by means of delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council.


The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendation and the decision.




(1)           That the Cabinet noted the comments made by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 21 November 2023 together with the officer response.


(2)           That the Cabinet endorsed the Place Delivery Strategy for Epping Forest District as a strategic framework for informing the Council’s approach to managing and using its land and property assets (including through Qualis as a wholly owned company) and working in partnership with other public bodies to secure positive outcomes for the community of Epping Forest District.


(3)           That the Cabinet endorsed the next steps of developing an Action Plan for the creation of Place Plans as set out in the Place Delivery Strategy for Epping Forest District.


(4)           That the Cabinet delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, any minor changes to the Place Delivery Strategy as may be required following its consideration by the Council’s Cabinet.

Meeting: 21/11/2023 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 42)

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To consider and comment on the draft Place Delivery Strategy.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive, G Blakemore, introduced the overarching draft Place Delivery Strategy which provided a ‘high-level’ corporate framework to support the delivery of the Council’s ambitions through the use of its land and property holdings.


The Committee proposed the following amendmentsto the draft Strategy


  • Could the partnerships with other public sector bodies necessary to develop Place, be more explicit.
  • Ongar, should be ‘Chipping Ongar’ which comprises of 4 areas and includes Greensted
  • Could there be greater reference to rural communities,
  • Section 6 ‘funding our approach’ should this include Essex Council Tax Sharing Scheme and payments from Qualis.
  • Domestic Abuse, the definition should be more inclusive.
  • Protection of Green Open Space, could green space in urban areas be protected with Fields in Trust Status
  • Update Qualis Groups to reflect the current structure.
  • Could a reference to Epping Forest Museum in Vision for Waltham Abbey be added.


It was highlighted to the Committee that individual development decision will be subject to normal governance routes and approvals.


The Committee requested an update on the proposed action plan, and any measured enhancements to green and blue open space be inbcluded in the Overview and Scrutiny work programme for the next municipal year.



The Committee considered and endorsed the draft Place Delivery Strategy to Cabinet on the 18 December 2023.