Issue - meetings

Endorsement East of Harlow Masterplan Principles SPD

Meeting: 18/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 120)

120 Endorsement - East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 131 KB

(Place – Cllr N Bedford) To agree to formally adopt the EHMG SPD (C-050-2023-24). Please note: Appendix A (HGGT Board East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance Adoption SPD report) is attached.


For information: Appendices published separately include – B (Draft East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance SPD) and C (East of Harlow Consultation Report).

Additional documents:


That the Cabinet agreed to defer this item to a future Cabinet meeting.


The Leader announced that the report would be deferred to a future Cabinet meeting as further work was necessary.




That the Cabinet agreed to defer this item to a future Cabinet meeting.