39 Report of the Audit and Governance Committee - Annual Report for 2023/24 PDF 62 KB
(Chairman of the Audit & Governance Committee) To consider the attached report to approve the Audit & Governance Committee Annual Report for 2023/24.
Additional documents:
The Chairman of the Audit & Governance Committee, Cllr J M Whitehouse, presented the Annual Report of the Audit & Governance Committee for 2023/24. The Annual Report detailed the Committee’s work and achievements throughout the municipal year, and also demonstrated to residents and other stakeholders the vital role carried out by the Committee and its contribution to the Council’s governance arrangements. In addition, the Committee was confident that a process was in place to identify and monitor risks, and ensure key Members and Officers were aware of them.
The Finance & Economic Development Portfolio Holder, Cllr H Whitbread, paid tribute to former Councillor P Bolton for his work as the Chairman of the Committee during 2023/24, and to the Finance Officers who supported the work of the Committee.
(1) That the Annual Report of the Audit & Governance Committee for 2023/24 be approved.
16 Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report for 2023/24 PDF 138 KB
(Head of Internal Audit) To consider the attached report.
Additional documents:
The Head of Internal Audit, Sarah Marsh, presented the Audit and Governance Committee 2023/24 report and highlighted that no changes were proposed to the terms of reference for the Committee. The Committee had carried out its own effectiveness review, the resulting action plan had been completed and it was proposed that the review process should be repeated.
The Committee were advised that the Committee needed a minimum of three members in attendance to be quorate, as detailed in the Council’s Constitution.
The Committee noted its terms of reference and agreed the Annual Report for the Audit and Governance Committee, 2023/24 and referred should be referred to Council for approval.
12. Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report for 2023/24 PDF 137 KB
(Head of Internal Audit) To consider the attached report.
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