54 Implementation of the Local Plan PDF 111 KB
(Shaping our District – Cllr K Williamson) To note the progress of Strategic Masterplans and Concept Frameworks, including the use of Planning Performance Agreements and the progress of proposals at pre-application and application stage (C-026-2024-25).
Additional documents:
That the Cabinet noted the progress of Strategic Masterplans and Concept Frameworks, including the use of Planning Performance Agreements and the progress of proposals at pre-application and application stage.
The Shaping our District Portfolio Holder (Councillor K Williamson) outlined the report which provided members with an update on the progress of Local Plan implementation in relation to the Strategic Masterplans, Concept Framework Plans and Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) within the District. This also included major projects and planning applications dealt with by the Policy and Implementation Team. Regarding Strategic Masterplans, scheduled meetings and workshops continued to take place with site promoters and developers in accordance with project plans agreed within PPAs.
Councillor Jon Whitehouse asked about updates on the wider issues of the Local Plan, such as the strategies for air pollution and the green infrastructure although there were many more. The Portfolio Holder replied he was not aware of any updates, but the Council would be informed if there were any.
Councillor G Wiskin asked if it would be useful for members to be informed about windfall sites? For example, Pyrles Lane in Loughton. Also, Centric Parade was an opportunity for the Council for domestic residencies in Loughton High Road. The Portfolio Holder replied that some sites were not in the Local Plan as they were already in the system, such as the Pyrles Lane site. The Portfolio Holder acknowledged that there were only a small number of windfall sites in the Local Plan, but he would investigate this request further.
That the Cabinet noted the progress of Strategic Masterplans and Concept Frameworks, including the use of Planning Performance Agreements and the progress of proposals at pre-application and application stage.