28 Pink Zebra, 6-7 Foxes Parade, Sewardstone Road, Waltham Abbey, Essex, EN9 1PH PDF 135 KB
To determine the application for a variation
of an existing Premises Licence under the Licensing Act
Additional documents:
The Licensing Sub-Committee considered a application for a variation of an existing Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003, in respect of Pink Zebra. The three councillors that presided over this item were Councillors I Allgood (Chairman), R Sharif and T Matthews. Cllr D Stocker observed the meeting. Also present were L Ridley (Legal Officer), D King (Licensing Manager), D Houghton & H Gould (Licence Officers), T Larsen (Democratic Service Officer) and R Moreton (Webcaster).
The Chairman welcomed the applicant and introduced the members and officers present.
The Licensing Officer informed the Sub-Committee of the circumstances under which the licence could not be dealt with under delegated authority.
The applicant made a short statement in support of the application before answering questions from members of the Sub-Committee.
The Objectors from Essex Police and Environmental Services made their statements and asked questions.
The Applicant made his closing statement.
The Objectors made their closing statement.
The Panel retired to consider the application.
The Chairman invited the applicant and Licensing Officers back into the chamber and informed the applicant of the Sub-Committee’s decision.
The decision of this Sub-Committee is that the application for a variation of an existing Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003, in respect of Pink Zebra, 6-7 Foxes parade, Sewardstone Road, Waltham Abbey, Essex, EN9 1PH be refused.
The reasons for the Sub-Committee’s refusal of this application in relation to the Licensing objectives are:
· The prevention of crime and disorder.
The applicant has failed to demonstrate to the Sub-Committee:
· In relation to public safety:
· In relation to the prevention of public nuisance:
The applicant has failed to provide sufficient information to satisfy the Sub-Committee of the mitigation measures for the prevention of public nuisance regarding noise disturbance to local residents.
And the Sub-Committee is ibn agreement with the submissions from the Essex Police and the Environmental Services.
The Applicant was reminded of the right to appeal to the Magistrates Court within 21 days of this notice.