Issue - meetings

EPF/0641/24 - The Top Oak Public House, Oak Hill Road, Stapleford Abbotts, Romford, RM4 1JL

Meeting: 23/10/2024 - Planning Committee B (Item 7)

7 EPF/0641/24 - The Top Oak Public House, Oak Hill Road, Stapleford Abbotts, Romford, RM4 1JL pdf icon PDF 283 KB

To consider the attached report for the proposed design is for the addition of 5 flats; all of which are housed within new-build structures, with the existing flat retained at first floor within the existing pub.

Additional documents:


The Chairman, Councillor Jones announced that Ward Councillor Amos and herself and could not determine this application and that no substitutes had been nominated.


The Chairman announced that Ward Councillor Kauffman could not determine this application but substitutes Councillor Allgood had been nominated.


Councillor Williamson was proposed, seconded and agreed as Chairman for the item and Councillor Ardakani was proposed, seconded and agreed as Vice Chairman.


Members of the Committee received a presentation from the Planning Officer and representations from the Parish Council, applicant and Ward councillors Jones and Amos. The Committee discussed the planning merits of the application. The Committee voted for the officer recommendation.




The Committee voted to APPROVE the application (Subject to s106 Legal Agreement).