5 EPF/0691/24 - Fir Trees, Tidys Lane, Epping, CM16 6SJ PDF 180 KB
To consider the attached report for the
TPO/EPF/07/98 (Ref: T24)
T2: Redwood - Fell and replace, as specified.
Additional documents:
The committee agreed to move this item forward due to public interest. Members of the Committee received a presentation from the Planning Officer and representations from an objector, the Parish Council, Councillor C Whitbread and Ward Councillor Jon Whitehouse. The Committee discussed the planning merits of the application. The Committee voted against the officer recommendation to approve the application. Reasons for refusal of the application were proposed, seconded, and voted for by The Committee.
The justification submitted in the application is insufficient to outweigh the loss of the tree due to its significant visual and other amenity value. Its removal would be detrimental to the local landscape setting and heritage. The loss of the tree is therefore contrary to Green and Blue Infrastructure Policy DM5 of the Epping Forest District Local Plan 2011-2023(2023).
The Committee voted to REFUSE the application.