Issue - meetings

EPF/1266/24 - The Hedges, Harlow Road, Roydon, Harlow, CM19 5HE

Meeting: 23/10/2024 - Planning Committee B (Item 9)

9 EPF/1266/24 - The Hedges, Harlow Road, Roydon, Harlow, CM19 5HE pdf icon PDF 374 KB

To consider the attached report for the Erection of four new residential dwellings, retention of existing dwelling, demolition of outbuilding, together with car parking, landscaping and access (Revised scheme to EPF/0325/21)

Additional documents:


Members of the Committee received a presentation from the Planning Officer and representation from the applicant and Ward Councillor C Whitbread.  The Committee discussed the planning merits of the application. The Committee voted for the officer recommendation.




The Committee voted to APPROVE the application (Subject to s106 Legal Agreement).