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No. | Item | ||||||
Webcasting Introduction (a) This meeting is to be webcast;
(b) Members are reminded of the need to activate their microphones before speaking; and
(c) the Chairman will read the following announcement:
“I would like to remind everyone present that this meeting will be broadcast live to the Internet and will be capable of subsequent repeated viewing, with copies of the recording being made available for those that request it.
By being present at this meeting, it is likely that the recording cameras will capture your image and this will result in your image becoming part of the broadcast.
You should be aware that this may infringe your human and data protection rights. If you have any concerns then please speak to the Webcasting Officer.
Please could I also remind Members to activate their microphones before speaking.” Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of Council made a short address to remind everyone present that the meeting would be broadcast live to the internet, and would be capable of repeated viewing, which could infringe their human and data protection rights. |
Declarations of Interest (Director of Governance) To declare interests in any item on this agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: (a) Pursuant to the Council’s Member Code of Conduct, Councillor G Mohindra declared an interest in agenda item 10, Epping Forest District Local Plan – Implementation, by virtue of being a Governor of Epping Forest College. The Councillor had determined that his interest was non-pecuniary and would remain in the meeting for the consideration of the issue.
(b) Pursuant to the Council’s Member Code of Conduct, Councillor G Mohindra declared an interest in agenda item 12, Digital Enterprise Programme, by virtue of being both a member of the West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group and the Deputy to the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Skills, Infrastructure and the Digital Economy at Essex County Council. The Councillor had determined that his interest was non-pecuniary and would remain in the meeting for the consideration of the issue. |
Minutes (Director of Governance) To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 6 April 2017 (previously circulated).
Additional documents: Decision: (1) That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2017 be taken as read and signed by the Leader as a correct record. Minutes: Decision:
(1) That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2017 be taken as read and signed by the Leader as a correct record. |
Reports of Portfolio Holders (Leader of Council) To receive oral reports from Portfolio Holders on current issues concerning their Portfolios, which are not covered elsewhere on the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: Asset Management & Economic Development
The Portfolio Holder reported that a number of agreements for leases at the Epping Forest Shopping Park had been signed, including with Next and Hobbycraft, and that further agreements were being progressed. |
Public Questions & Requests to Address the Cabinet (Director of Governance) To receive any questions submitted by members of the public and any requests to address the Cabinet.
(a) Public Questions
To answer questions asked by members of the public after notice in accordance with the provisions contained within Part 4 of the Constitution (Council Rules, rule Q3 refers) on any matter in relation to which the Cabinet has powers or duties or which affects the District.
(b) Requests to Address the Cabinet
Any member of the public or a representative of another organisation may address the Cabinet on any agenda item (except those dealt with in private session as exempt or confidential business) due to be considered at the meeting, in accordance with the provisions contained within Article 7 of the Constitution (The Executive, paragraphs 27 & 28 refers). Additional documents: Minutes: Mr M Calder of Phase 2 Planning Ltd, asked the following question on behalf of Peer Group plc, who were promoting 38 acres of their 500+ acre Ongar Park Estate for a residential allocation in the Local Plan:
“The Chief Executive of EFDC wrote to my client's solicitor on 7th June and said:
"Officers are starting to evaluate additional sites identified during the consultation process this week. Your client’s submission is amongst those sites. I anticipate that the evaluation against the Council’s site selection criteria which will feed into the Regulation 19 Plan will be ready early next year."
Councillor John Philip has publicly stated that some allocated sites will be dropped and some new sites added into the submission draft Local Plan.
Given that six months has passed since the Regulation 18 consultation closed and the Council is, by its own admission, on a very tight timescale to prepare its pre submission draft for Regulation 19, will the Portfolio Holder and the Chief Executive set out a clear statement explaining fully:
(i) how these additional sites, which are only being evaluated at this stage of the Local Plan process, will be fully and appropriately assessed?
(ii) how is the Council going to manage the process of de-coupling previously allocated sites from the Local Plan process given that it is already engaged with the promoters of those sites?”
The Portfolio Holder for Planning & Governance made the following response:
“The Council has a robust and comprehensive site selection process which has assessed consistently all the sites proposed for residential, traveller and employment development in the District. New sites and amended sites for residential, employment and traveller development which have been put forward since the 2016 site selection work will be assessed in accordance with the agreed methodology published as part of the Draft Local Plan consultation. This is available on the Council’s website. Stage 6 of the methodology sets out the process for the review of sites following the Draft Local Plan consultation. This is being expanded to set out in more detail the process that will be followed and will be published as soon as possible.
As set out in paragraph 10 of tonight’s Cabinet report none of the work associated with Local Plan implementation binds the Council to the proposed development sites set out within the Draft Local Plan. The proposed processes and ongoing discussions taking place through the Developer Forums acknowledge that the Draft Local Plan may change prior to Pre-Submission publication, Examination-in-Public and Adoption.”
The Portfolio Holder also clarified that it was likely, not definite, some of the current allocated sites would be discarded with some new sites added into the submission of the draft Local Plan. |
Overview and Scrutiny (a) (Chairman of Overview & Scrutiny) To consider any matters of concern to the Cabinet arising from the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny function.
(b) (Leader of Council) To consider any matters that the Cabinet would like the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny function to examine as part of its work programme. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee reported that the following items of business had been considered at its meeting held on 6 June 2017:
(a) a presentation from the Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Nurse from Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, followed by a question-and-answer session;
(b) the Council’s Corporate Priorities and Key Objectives for 2017/18;
(c) agreed the Terms of Reference, Work Programme, composition, Chairman and Vice-Chairman for each Select Committee for 2017/18;
(d) established the new Transformation Task-and-Finish Panel; and
(e) agreed the Overview & Scrutiny Annual Report for 2016/17. |
Finance and Performance Management Cabinet Committee - 30 March 2017 PDF 91 KB (Finance Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Performance Management Cabinet Committee, held on 30 March 2017, and any recommendations therein. Additional documents: Decision: Risk Management – Corporate Risk Register
(1) That the Effectiveness of Controls/Actions and Required Further Management Action for Risk 2, Strategic Sites, be updated;
(2) That the Vulnerability and Key Date for Risk 4, Finance Income, be updated;
(3) That, incorporating the above changes, the amended Corporate Risk Register be approved; and
(4) That the Risk Management Strategy and Policy Statement be adopted. Minutes: The Finance Portfolio Holder presented the minutes from the meeting of the Finance & Performance Management Cabinet Committee, held on 30 March 2017.
The Cabinet Committee had made one recommendation for the Cabinet to consider concerning the quarterly update of the Corporate Risk Register. The other issues considered by the Cabinet Committee included: Monitoring of the Key Performance Indicators during the third quarter of 2016/17; the Proposed Key Performance Indicators and Targets for 2017/18; and the Revenue and Capital Monitoring Report for the third quarter of 2016/17.
Risk Management – Corporate Risk Register
(1) That the Effectiveness of Controls/Actions and Required Further Management Action for Risk 2, Strategic Sites, be updated;
(2) That the Vulnerability and Key Date for Risk 4, Finance Income, be updated;
(3) That, incorporating the above changes, the amended Corporate Risk Register be approved; and
(4) That the Risk Management Strategy and Policy Statement be adopted.
Reasons for Decision:
The Cabinet was satisfied that the Cabinet Committee had fully addressed all of the relevant issues.
Other Options Considered and Rejected:
The Cabinet was content that the Cabinet Committee had considered all of the relevant options and that there were no further options to consider. |
Asset Management and Economic Development Cabinet Committee - 13 April 2017 PDF 88 KB (Asset Management & Economic Development Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached minutes from the meeting of the Asset Management & Economic Development Cabinet Committee, held on 13 April 2-017, and any recommendations therein. Additional documents: Decision: (1) That the minutes of the meeting of the Asset Management & Economic Development Cabinet Committee, held on 13 April 2017, be noted. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Asset Management & Economic Development presented the minutes from the meeting of the Asset Management & Economic Development Cabinet Committee, held on 13 April 2017.
There were no recommendations for the Cabinet to consider. Other issues considered at the meeting included: the Economic Development Team Progress Report; a progress report on the Asset Management Development Projects; and a progress report on the Epping Forest Shopping Park.
Cllr C C Pond enquired whether the development at the site of the former Winston Churchill Public House, which would be seven or eight stories high when finished, would be fully compliant with Building Regulations given the recent appalling fire at a tower block in Kensington & Chelsea. The Portfolio Holder stated that she would provide a written answer in the Council Bulletin in due course.
Cllr C C Pond also enquired whether the Epping Forest Shopping Park would open before the current roadworks in Chigwell had been completed. The Portfolio Holder stated that access would be granted to tenants from 26 June to begin their shop fitting and the new traffic lights would become operational next week. However, there was still time before the Shopping Park would actually open, which would allow a further period for the roadworks to be completed.
(1) That the minutes of the meeting of the Asset Management & Economic Development Cabinet Committee, held on 13 April 2017, be noted.
Reasons for Decision:
The Cabinet was satisfied that the Cabinet Committee had fully addressed all of the relevant issues.
Other Options Considered and Rejected:
The Cabinet was content that the Cabinet Committee had considered all of the relevant options and that there were no further options to consider. |
Epping Forest District Local Plan - Implementation PDF 137 KB (Planning and Governance Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-001-2017/18). Additional documents:
Decision: (1) That the corporate implications for the delivery and implementation of the Local Plan, including the need to establish appropriate processes and arrangements and put in place the necessary resources, be noted;
(2) That the emerging approach to the production of Strategic Masterplans in the District, including the identification of sites/areas (subject to progression of the Local Plan) requiring the production of a Strategic Masterplan, be agreed; and
(3) That the emerging approach to the introduction of Planning Performance Agreements associated with the progression of sites identified for allocation through the emerging Local Plan be agreed. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Planning & Governance presented a report on the implementation of the District Local Plan.
The Portfolio Holder reminded the Cabinet that, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, the Council was required through the Local Plan to plan to meet the short and long term objectively assessed development needs of the District. This would require a significant step-change in future levels and complexity of development being brought forward in the District, which would need to be managed and overseen by the Council. Alongside the progression of the Local Plan, the Council therefore needed to establish the necessary processes and arrangements to prepare for the delivery of the planned level of development and infrastructure. Taking such steps now would help the Council to demonstrate at the Examination in Public for the Local Plan that the Plan was deliverable and therefore ‘sound’. An action plan was being developed to progress this work.
The Portfolio Holder added that this included the preparation of a framework for the production of Planning Performance Agreements, which had been appended to the report. A draft had been discussed with the Developer Forums, Members, the Local Plan Officer Working Group and Management Board. In addition, these groups had considered where and how Strategic Masterplans should be produced and the proposed sites/areas requiring such an approach. Once the approach had been approved, the Council would need to ensure that the necessary skills and resources were put in place in a timely fashion to enable Local Plan implementation to progress as proposed.
Cllr A Grigg, as a local Member for North Weald Bassett, was not particularly enamoured by the proposals. All of the proposed sites for North Weald Bassett had been progressed to this stage, which would not please residents of the village. The Portfolio Holder stated that none of the sites from the draft Local Plan had been removed, and the Council was now investigating possible groups of sites where it would be logical to perform a Strategic Masterplan. All of the sites identified would have some degree of input from the Council, and the bigger sites would have more input via a Masterplan. It might be possible to use the previous North Weald Bassett Masterplan from 2014 as the base for the new version, as there would be more detail in the new Masterplan.
In response to questions from the Members present, the Portfolio Holder stated that the process for Regulation 19 would be completed in the early months of 2018, and the Local Plan would then be submitted for its Examination in Public, which usually took place approximately six months after its submission. The final Local Plan would then be adopted by the Council. Town and Parish Councils would not be encouraged to go ahead on their own with Neighbourhood Planning; it was intended to fully include the Town and Parish Councils in the process up to the adoption of the Local Plan. The Council would always need to maintain a five-year land ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Flexible Homelessness Support Grant PDF 248 KB (Housing Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-002-2017/18).
Additional documents: Decision: (1) That the Government’s Flexible Homelessness Support Grant (required to be ring fenced for use on homelessness services), already received by the Council in the sum of £277,000 in 2017/2018 and £313,000 to be received in 2018/2019 be used initially as follows:
(a) to continue working with Genesis Housing Association in order to provide private rented accommodation to homeless applicants to prevent homelessness, with a budget of £60,000 in both 2017/18 and 2018/19 to fund the cost of the Association’s Management Fees;
(b) to meet the Council’s own housing related support costs at the young parents scheme Railway Meadow, Ongar with a budget of £29,000 in both 2017/18 and 2018/19; and
(c) to fund homelessness initiatives already agreed by the Cabinet at its meeting on 2 February 2017 (Minute 130 refers) (other than the ‘Invest to Save’ funding) in the sum of £43,500 in both 2017/18 and 2018/19 resulting in a saving to the General Fund;
(2) That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet later in the municipal year for consideration to be given:
(a) for the use of the balance of the Flexible Homelessness Support Grant of approximately £131,000 in 2017/18 & £167,000 in 2018/19; and
(b) include options for the use of any additional grant received from the Government in order to provide financial support to help meet with new duties under the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017. Minutes: The Housing Portfolio Holder presented a report on the possible uses for the Flexible Homelessness Support Grant.
The Portfolio Holder reported that the Council had received a new Government Flexible Homelessness Support Grant which was required to be ring fenced to be used on homelessness services in the sum of £277,000 for 2017/18 and would receive a further £313,000 in 2018/19. A number of initiatives for the initial use of the Grant was detailed; and the Housing Portfolio Holder had already considered the use of some of the grant (Portfolio Holder Decision HSG-014-2016/17 refers).
Furthermore, the Portfolio Holder stated that, following the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 receiving Royal Assent on 27 April 2017, Officers had been informally advised that the Government was working towards a commencement date of April 2018. Under the Act, there would be considerable additional duties placed upon authorities nationally to prevent and reduce homelessness. Due to the additional duties and burdens being placed on authorities, the Government had announced that it would be providing financial support to help meet with the new duties. It was proposed that a further report would be submitted to the Cabinet at a later date on the use of the remaining Flexible Homelessness Support Grant funding and any further funding that might be received due to the implications of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017, once the additional duties under the Act placed on the Council could be better assessed.
Cllr G Mohindra, as Finance Portfolio Holder, offered his support for the proposals.
(1) That the Government’s Flexible Homelessness Support Grant (required to be ring fenced for use on homelessness services), already received by the Council in the sum of £277,000 in 2017/2018 and £313,000 to be received in 2018/2019 be used initially as follows:
(a) to continue working with Genesis Housing Association in order to provide private rented accommodation to homeless applicants to prevent homelessness, with a budget of £60,000 in both 2017/18 and 2018/19 to fund the cost of the Association’s Management Fees;
(b) to meet the Council’s own housing related support costs at the young parents scheme Railway Meadow, Ongar with a budget of £29,000 in both 2017/18 and 2018/19; and
(c) to fund homelessness initiatives already agreed by the Cabinet at its meeting on 2 February 2017 (Minute 130 refers) (other than the ‘Invest to Save’ funding) in the sum of £43,500 in both 2017/18 and 2018/19 resulting in a saving to the General Fund;
(2) That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet later in the municipal year for consideration to be given:
(a) for the use of the balance of the Flexible Homelessness Support Grant of approximately £131,000 in 2017/18 & £167,000 in 2018/19; and
(b) include options for the use of any additional grant received from the Government in order to provide financial support to help meet with new duties under the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017.
Reasons for Decision:
To consider the initial use of the Government’s Flexible Homelessness Support Grant funding and agree ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Digital Enterprise Programme PDF 160 KB (Asset Management & Economic Development Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-003-2017/18).
Additional documents:
Decision: (1) That the content of the Digital Enterprise Programme brief be agreed and the cross-border, cross-sector collaborative approach be endorsed;
(2) That the use of the External Partnership Fund up to a maximum of £25,000 to make an additional contribution by the Council as determined by the level of funding secured from partners to commission a co-funded digital strategy for the wider West Essex / East Herts area or Digital Innovation Zone be agreed;
(3) That the proposal to allocate up to £45,000 from the Epping Forest Economic Opportunities Fund towards the examination of options for the provision of free town centre wi-fi in one, some or all of the District’s town centres, and, subject to consultation recommendations, the procurement of the most appropriate model and service provider be agreed;
(4) That any additional investment required be subject to a further report to Cabinet;
(5) That the expression of interest in further investment in the superfast broadband network sent by letter from the Portfolio Holder for Technology and Support Services to BDUK / Essex CC be endorsed; and
(6) That, subject to the success of the grant application to BDUK, a further report to Cabinet be submitted seeking agreement to invest further in the local superfast broadband programme and, if agreed, to submit a bid for funding as part of the 2018/19 budget setting process. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Technology & Support Services presented a report on the Digital Enterprise Programme.
The Portfolio Holder reminded the Cabinet that the District had seen considerable investment in the enhancement of its superfast broadband infrastructure and network capability in recent years. With coverage scheduled to reach approximately 97% of the District by June 2019, focus had now shifted to how the Council could maximise the strategic return from this investment for its residents, businesses, visitors and partners. The Digital Enterprise Programme sought to pull together a number of key inter-related digital projects that were planned for the District and, in some cases, its local authority neighbours, as well as public and private sector partners in order to achieve a coordinated set of benefits in the most efficient and effective way.
The Portfolio Holder detailed three key project elements of the overall programme so as to ensure visibility of the projects and formalise the approach that was being taken to develop these work streams. First of all, a cross-sector, cross boundary digital strategy would be commissioned to develop a coordinated picture of the digital place that existed in the District and across the wider partnership area, and to establish a coordinated set of infrastructure needs and aspirations of the partners which might assist private sector providers in building their business cases to address these needs. Secondly, the programme would explore the potential to establish free town centre wi-fi throughout the District’s town centres to support economic development and increased levels of digital engagement or connectivity. Finally, the proposed additional investment in superfast broadband to take the level of coverage across the District closer to 100% of homes and business premises was outlined; including the use of £45,000 from the Epping Forest Economic Opportunities Fund and an application for further grant funding from Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) / Essex County Council.
Cllr Mohindra, as Finance Portfolio Holder, offered his support for the proposals, and Cllr Grigg, as Portfolio Holder for Asset Management & Economic Development, reminded the Cabinet that the Council had struggled to find applications for the Economic Opportunities Fund and therefore she was happy to support these proposals.
Cllr Philip stated that he was not in favour of recommendations (3) and (4) as he was yet to be convinced of the benefit for the provision of free public wi-fi and did not think that the Council should be involved in this. The Councillor felt that the provision of free wi-fi in town centres was now less important and perhaps the Council should consider the provision of free wi-fi in the larger villages instead. The Portfolio Holder clarified that he was looking to facilitate the provision of free wi-fi in the town centres through sponsorship with third parties, rather than its direct provision by the Council.
(1) That the content of the Digital Enterprise Programme brief be agreed and the cross-border, cross-sector collaborative approach be endorsed;
(2) That the use of the External Partnership Fund up to a maximum of ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
Corporate Plan 2015-2020 - Key Action Plan 2016/17 (Outturn) PDF 107 KB (Leader of Council) To consider the attached report (C-004-2017/18).
Additional documents:
Decision: (1) That, as part of the Council’s Corporate Plan for the period 2015/16 – 2019/20, the progress with the achievement of the Council’s Key Action Plan for 2016/17 at the end of the municipal year be noted. Minutes: The Leader of Council presented a report on the outturn of the Key Action Plan for 2016/17.
The Leader reminded the Cabinet that the Corporate Plan was the Council’s key strategic planning document, setting out its priorities over the five-year period from 2015/16 to 2019/20. The priorities or Corporate Aims were supported by Key Objectives and the annual identification of key objectives provided an opportunity for the Council to focus attention on how areas for improvement would be addressed, opportunities exploited and better outcomes delivered during the year. Thekey objectives were intended to provide a clear statement of the Council's overall intentions for each year, and were supported by a range of actions and deliverables designed to achieve specific outcomes.
The Leader stated that a range of key objectives for 2016/17 had been adopted by the Cabinet in February 2016. Progress in relation to individual actions was reviewed by the Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on a quarterly and outturn basis. At the end of 2016/17: 33 (67%) of the Key Actions had been achieved; 9 (19%) were under control; and 7 (14%) were behind schedule.
(1) That, as part of the Council’s Corporate Plan for the period 2015/16 – 2019/20, the progress with the achievement of the Council’s Key Action Plan for 2016/17 at the end of the municipal year be noted.
Reasons for Decision:
It was important that relevant performance management processes were in place to review progress against the key objectives, to ensure their continued achievability and relevance, and to identify proposals for appropriate corrective action in areas of slippage or under-performance.
Other Options Considered and Rejected:
No other options were appropriate in this respect. Failure to monitor and review performance against the key objectives and to consider corrective action where necessary, could have negative implications for the Council’s reputation and judgements made about its progress, and might mean that opportunities for improvement were lost. The Council had previously agreed arrangements for the review of progress against the key objectives. |
Transformation Programme – Highlight Report (March 2017) & Service Accommodation Review PDF 177 KB (Leader of Council) To consider the attached report (C-005-2017/18).
Additional documents:
Decision: (1) That the progress of Projects and Programmes within the Transformation Programme for March 2017, alongside the planned actions for April 2017, be noted;
(2) That the update on the Service Accommodation Review, including the Programme Definition Document, be noted and a detailed business case for the option selected by Cabinet in March be progressed; and
(3) That, in order to fund the external support for the production of the business case, a virement of £120,000 from the capital budget for the purchase of Bridgeman House be recommended to the Council for approval. Minutes: The Leader of Council presented the Transformation Programme Monitoring Report for March 2017 and an update on the Service Accommodation Review.
The Leader reminded the Cabinet that regular highlight reports on the progress of the Transformation Programme were presented to each meeting of the Cabinet. This was the highlight report for March 2017 and covered progress for all chartered projects of Medium and High Risk Potential, as well as the key aspects of the Transformation Programme. Overall, progress indicators for ‘cost’ and ‘benefits’ were Green for this period. The indicator for ‘time’ was Amber to highlight that 1 action from a total of 194 actions was overdue. The indicator for ‘delivery / outcomes / outputs’ was Amber to highlight that 2 projects were on hold.
The Leader stated that the first stage of the Accommodation Review had concluded on 9 March when the Cabinet had considered a number of strategic outline cases. The preferred option involved a re-configuration and refurbishment of the new building and releasing the Condor building, 323 house and the rear extension for re-development. Whilst the outline case set out income and costs at a high level, a more detailed business case was now required to establish a sequential costed programme of works, a clear time line and the indicative layout and number of workstations to be provided.
The Leader added that, when the purchase of the former police station in Waltham Abbey was being evaluated it became clear the purchase of Bridgeman House was not going to proceed and so the £297,000 included in the Capital Programme was available to be re-allocated. As the Accommodation Review had now reached the detailed feasibility stage, it could be funded from the Capital Programme and it was sensible to re-allocate a budget that was no longer required instead of seeking a supplementary estimate. Consequently, the Leader was requesting that the Cabinet recommend a virement in the sum of £120,000 from the capital budget for the purchase of Bridgeman House to the Council for approval, in order to fund the production of the business case for the Service Accommodation Review.
The Cabinet felt that this was a sensible approach and was happy to agree the virement. Cllr C C Pond enquired as to whether the Council had an Archiving Policy. The Head of Transformation confirmed that the Council did have an Archiving Policy and agreed to provide the Councillor with a copy of it.
(1) That the progress of Projects and Programmes within the Transformation Programme for March 2017, alongside the planned actions for April 2017, be noted;
(2) That the update on the Service Accommodation Review, including the Programme Definition Document, be noted and a detailed business case for the option selected by Cabinet in March be progressed; and
(3) That, in order to fund the external support for the production of the business case, a virement of £120,000 from the capital budget for the purchase of Bridgeman House be recommended to the Council for approval.
Reasons for ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Any Other Business (Director of Governance) Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 requires that the permission of the Chairman be obtained, after prior notice to the Chief Executive, before urgent business not specified in the agenda (including a supplementary agenda of which the statutory period of notice has been given) may be transacted. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet noted that there was no other urgent business for consideration. |
Exclusion of Public and Press Exclusion To consider whether, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press should be excluded from the meeting for the items of business set out below on grounds that they will involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the following paragraph(s) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act (as amended) or are confidential under Section 100(A)(2):
The Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, which came into effect on 1 March 2006, requires the Council to consider whether maintaining the exemption listed above outweighs the potential public interest in disclosing the information. Any member who considers that this test should be applied to any currently exempted matter on this agenda should contact the proper officer at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Background Papers Article 17 of the Constitution (Access to Information) define background papers as being documents relating to the subject matter of the report which in the Proper Officer's opinion:
(a) disclose any facts or matters on which the report or an important part of the report is based; and
(b) have been relied on to a material extent in preparing the report and does not include published works or those which disclose exempt or confidential information and in respect of executive reports, the advice of any political advisor.
The Council will make available for public inspection one copy of each of the documents on the list of background papers for four years after the date of the meeting. Inspection of background papers can be arranged by contacting either the Responsible Officer or the Democratic Services Officer for the particular item. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet noted that there was no business which necessitated the exclusion of the public and press from the meeting. |