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Webcasting Introduction 1. This virtual meeting is to be webcast. Members are reminded of the need to unmute before speaking.
2. The Chairman will read the following announcement:
“I would like to remind everyone present that this meeting will be broadcast live to the internet (or filmed) and will be capable of repeated viewing (or another use by such third parties).
Please could I also remind Members of the Public who have registered to speak that they will be admitted to the meeting at the appropriate time.
Please also be aware that if technical difficulties interrupt the meeting that cannot be overcome, I may need to adjourn the meeting.” Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman made a short address to remind everyone present that the virtual meeting would be broadcast to the internet and would be capable of repeated viewing, which could infringe their human and data protection rights.
Declarations of Interest To declare interests in any item on this agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made pursuant to the Councils Members’ Code of Conduct.
Procedures for the Conduct of a Virtual Meeting PDF 184 KB Please find attached the revised procedures for holding and attending a virtual meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee noted the procedure for the conduct of business for this virtual meeting.
Procedure for the Conduct of Business PDF 219 KB To note the adopted procedure for the conduct of business by the Sub-Committee.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee noted the agreed procedure for the conduct of business and the Terms of Reference.
To consider the attached report.
Additional documents: Minutes: The three Councillors that presided over this application were Councillors R Morgan (Chairman), J Jennings and K Williamson.
The Chairman welcomed Suresh Kanapathi the applicant’s agent and the applicant Pathmanathan Pathmakaran. There were no objectors present. The Chairman introduced the Members and officers present and outlined the procedure that would be followed for the determination of the application.
(a) Application before the Sub-Committee
The Licensing Compliance Officer, H Gould informed the Sub-Committee that an application had been made by Arka Licensing Consultants on behalf of Pathmanathan Pathmakaran for a new premises licence at Abbey's Local, 15 Market Square, Waltham Abbey, Essex, EN9 1DS which has an A1 use category (general retail). Mr Pathmakaran would operate the shop as a local convenience store.
The proposed licence was looking to include:
The sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises during the following hours: Monday to Sunday 06:00 hours to 00:00 hours. This was in line with the opening hours.
· The application was received on the 29th June 2021.
· The Operating Schedule set out conditions which would be attached to the licence, if this application was granted.
The Responsible Authorities had received a copy of the application. It was advertised at the premises and in the local newspaper. All residents and businesses within 150 metre radius were also informed by letter.
The authority had received 1 objection from a local business owner with concerns relating to the prevention of public nuisance objective.
Responses were received from Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, Essex Police and Environmental Health who had no objections.
(b) Presentation of the Application
Mr Kanapathi noted that the applicant had been there for the last 3 months. They did not want any fewer hours for the sale of alcohol as there was no evidence for doing so. They had tried to mediate with the objector who had expressed concerns about people who would buy and consume alcohol, hanging around their shop. There was no evidence of people doing this or when it would happen. The objector was unsure of this as well. He noted that the shop did not, as yet, sell alcohol.
People would welcome the flexible times for this shop, and he hoped the sub-committee would agree with their application.
(c) Questions for the Applicant from the Sub-Committee
A Sub-committee member questioned if the applicant held a personal licence and if he would be there every day. He was told that yes, the applicant did hold a personal licence and that whenever he was not at the shop his wife would be.
A Sub-Committee member expressed concern about the closing time of midnight, especially on a Sunday. The Applicants Agent noted that other premises had similar hours, and that as a rule, people did not buy alcohol in the mornings. It was also easier to advertise the opening hours and have separate times for the sale of alcohol.
A Sub-Committee member asked about the display of the alcohol. Would it be prominently or discreetly displayed. ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |