Agenda and minutes

Area Planning Sub-Committee East - Wednesday 24th July 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Offices. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services Tel: (01992) 564243  Email:


No. Item



This meeting is to be webcast and the Chairman will read the following announcement:

“I would like to remind everyone that this meeting will be filmed live or recorded, and uploaded to the internet and will be capable of repeated viewing.

Therefore, by participating in this meeting, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings.

If any public speakers on MS Teams do not wish to have their image captured, they should ensure that their video setting throughout the meeting is turned off and set to audio only.

Members and public speakersare reminded to turn on their microphones before speaking and turn them off when they have finished.

Additional documents:


The Chairman made a short address to remind all present that the meeting would be broadcast on the Internet, and that the Council had adopted a protocol for the webcasting of its meetings. The Sub-Committee noted the Council’s Protocol for Webcasting of Council and Other Meetings.



To declare interests in any item on this agenda.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest pursuant to the Council’s Members’ Code of Conduct.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 93 KB

To confirm the minutes of the last meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 26 June 2024.

Additional documents:




That the minutes of the Sub-Committee held on 26 June 2024 be taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.




Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, requires that the permission of the Chairman be obtained, after prior notice to the Chief Executive, before urgent business not specified in the agenda (including a supplementary agenda of which the statutory period of notice has been given) may be transacted.

Additional documents:


It was noted that there was no other urgent business for consideration by the Sub-Committee.


Site Visits

To identify and agree requirements for formal site visits to be held with regard to any planning application listed in this agenda, prior to consideration of the application.

Additional documents:


There were no formal site visits requested by the Sub-Committee.



EPF/0736/24 - Wyldingtree, 66 The Plain, Epping, CM16 6TW pdf icon PDF 667 KB

To consider the attached report for the Demolition of existing property and construction of 3 detached houses.

Additional documents:


Members of the Committee received a presentation from the Planning Officer and representations from an objector and the applicant’s agent. The Committee discussed the planning merits of the application.


Amendments to conditions  7,17,18 and 21 were proposed, seconded, and voted for by the Committee.




The Committee voted to approve the application, with amended conditions, subject to a s106 Legal Agreement.



EPF/1552/23 - 7a Piercing Hill Theydon Bois CM16 7JN pdf icon PDF 178 KB

To consider the attached report for the This application relates to a previous application ref number EPF/1873/22 approved on the 15th December 2022. The approved scheme has been amended and been reduced the size by removing the lower ground floor. The upper ground floor remains as approved The application is therefore for an amendment to the current planning permission. *** AMENDED PLAN - Side screen panels have been added to the proposed ground floor rear terrace ***

Additional documents:


The Chairman advised the Committee that Theydon Bois Parish Council had withdrawn their objection, as such in line with the Constitution, the decision was delegated to officers.



The Committee delegated the decision on this application to officers.


EPF/0450/24 - Land East of Sheering Lower Road, Sheering Lower Road, Lower Sheering, CM21 9LQ pdf icon PDF 246 KB

To consider the attached report for the Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of 9 dwellings and associated parking and landscaping (Allocated Site - Ref: LSHR.R1)

Additional documents:


Members of the Committee received a presentation from the Planning Officer and representation from the applicant’s agent. The Committee discussed the planning merits of the application.



The Committee voted to approve the application subject to S106 legal agreement.