Agenda and minutes

Epping Forest Youth Council - Tuesday 1st November 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting on Zoom. View directions

Contact: D Gilson-Butler Tel: (01992) 564365  Email:

No. Item



Welcome by Chairman Falak Hussian and Vice Chair William Ayrton



William welcomed Youth Councillors and officers to the meeting, he also introduced Falak Hussain as Vice Chair for the meeting.



Apologies of absence



Kirill Ismailov, Sophia Khan, Martin Prinsloo




Southend Youth Council visit feedback


In July the youth council held a youth debate at the Civic Offices for their guests from the Southend Youth Council, Young Mayor, and Deputy Young Mayor. In return Southend Youth Councillors organised a full program during half term, in line with EFYC’s cost-of-living project.

The visit included both Youth Councils planting lavender shrubs in the sensory maze, a project initiated by the Jack Petchey Environmental award winner for Southend. They visited the Chamber at the Civic offices. Councillor Laurie Burton, Cabinet Member for Children and Learning and Inclusion attended the presentation by the Youth Mayor and deputy Youth Mayor. Bogi from Southend council talked about their Tackling poverty Strategy 2023. EFYC members talked about their Cost-of-Living Crisis survey and in pairs they completed it with the Southend Youth councillors.

The visit included volunteering with the Southend food bank at the St Vincent’s Centre, learning about how the project is dedicated to changing lives through practical support, advice, and community work. The project was inspirational and has helped the EFYC members plan their next project ‘Repair my project’, a project about the effects of the Cost-of-Living-Crisis on families and young people, living in the Epping Forest district.

The event was funded by the Jack Petchey Foundation and Southend Council.


The Chair thanked everyone and reported that networking with other Youth Councils is a valuable experience as they can learn from their peers and share work practices. He also thanked Southend Youth Council for hosting the event and funding the day and he thanked the Youth Councillors for using their Jack Petchey grants to cover the cost of the coach.




Ninefields survey feedback


The Youth Councillors met with the local police who were in the area promoting their community work about safety. They shared the information table and talked to the residents and young people about their new Cost-of-living survey. They completed fifty surveys and received a lot of encouragement from the community. One particular response stood out, as a young boy, who was aged eleven, said he was very worried about the cost-of-living crisis as he did not want to lose his home, family, or his pets.


Erika reported that overall, the residents were keen to talk with the Youth Councillors, and the young people liked the hand outs and goody bags. We also gave out a copy of ‘The Little Book of Big Scams.


Matthew reported that he accompanied the Police door knocking in the area to inform the residents of what they were doing and how they can get involved.



Youth Project update


Martin, Sarah, Olu, and Erika reported that they had piloted the survey during the Essex Boys and Girls conference at the Anglia Ruskin University. The survey will be available on survey monkey and sent to all secondary schools in the spring term. The findings will be available in a short report for further discussion about effects of the Cost-of-Living crisis and recommendations will be made available to the council officers.


The Youth Councillors have conducted 70 surveys the next step is for the survey to be uploaded to survey monkey and sent to all secondary schools. They have received £1000 from the Jack Petchey Foundation to spend on the Cost-of-Living-Crises project. Youth Councillors used the funding to print 800 copies of the ‘Big Little Book of Big Scams’, a small book designed by the Thames Valley Police, high lighting various scams. The book compliments the cost-of-living project as they will be working on a presentation to take into their schools in the spring term.



IAG survey update


One of the IAG members, Harry Prosser from Davenant Foundation school, has created a survey about crime and safety which we are waiting approval, he would like the Youth Councillors assistance to share the completed survey with their schools. The survey is in draft format but will be available in the next few weeks.



EFYC updates

Update from schools - All Youth Councillors




Debden Park

Epping St Johns

Ilford County

King Harold

New City College

Roding Valley

The Ongar Academy

West Hatch



Braeside – Izzy, Sophie – Their school heating is now working.  

Chigwell – William – No Updates 

Davenant – Erika, Martin, Oscar, Olu, Paarth, Suki – recent school trips have been to Tokyo, funded by team GB but delayed due to the Covid regulations. Another trip is being planned to Iceland for geography students.

Debden Park – Krish – No Updates 

Epping St Johns – Falak, Henry, Oscar – Their school is applying for the £20,000 Grant for their Eco work, they hope to grow food to keep school food costs down.

King Harold – Sarah, Scarlett – No Heating in school and pupils are not allowed to wear coats. Pupils are cold.

New City College – Liam, Matthew – They have got rid of plastic bottles.

Roding Valley – Abigail, Ahiyan, Eylul, Kirill, Natalie, Sydnae – New student voice appointed.

West Hatch – Aliza - Having their first school council meeting. 



EFYC Attendance and one to one meeting with parents


Katie will be organising 1-2-1 Teams call with parents. These meetings are to look at your development and training needs, discuss attendance and praise achievements.



Remembrance Day Services


The Youth Council have attended Remembrance Day services for manyyears, two Youth Councillors carry the poppy wreath and lay it at the war memorial.  Falak and Scarlett volunteered to attend the Epping service, Liam, and Sarah to attend the Waltham Abbey service and Aliza, Path, Olu, Erika, Izzy, Ahiyan and Abigail will attend the Loughton service. Youth Councillors at Loughton will also support the Town Council to sell poppies on the day. Scarlet composed the verse for the 3 poppy wreaths …


‘We will forever remember the soldiers and animals who fought for us and our right to live freely.’



Christmas Social Tuesday 20 December


The Youth Councillors Christmas party will be held at Tenpin, in Terminus Street, Harlow CM20 1EY. The venue includes Pizza, Burgers, Arcade, Bowling and Karaoke.

Time: 18:30, finish at 20:30. Please ask parents if they can assist with car sharing for Youth Councillors that live nearby, as the taxi service have fewer drivers and cars on the road.

If you are unable to get a lift or car share, please contact Katie if you require transport to and from Harlow.





The winner for the Autumn term 2022 is Sarah Chufoon, Sarah joined the Youth Council group in 2022 and has been nominated by her peers for her outstanding commitment to the work of the Youth Council. Her colleagues have said that she always volunteers to represent the Youth Council, she is supportive, helpful, and kind. Sarah volunteered for the Ride London weekend community event in Epping, she attended the Essex Boys and Girls club youth conference in Chelmsford, she joined the Independent Advisory Group representing the young people of the district at Epping and Brentwood meetings. Sarah also volunteers to support local events in the Ninefields community where she lives and has recently helped the Residents Association with their social media. Finally, Sarah worked with the Police at an awareness day in Ninefields, where she worked with fellow Youth Cllrs to conducted 50 surveys about the Cost-of-Living Crisis, the data will be analysed by the youth Cllrs for a future report. 


The second winner for Autumn 2022 is Falak Hussain. Falak was elected in April 2022, her colleagues have said that she is a lovely girl because she is very friendly, some said Falak was very welcoming on the first day at Lambourne End and put everyone at ease. She volunteers regularly and wants to help people old and young.


Falak volunteered at the Ride London weekend, a community event in Epping, she helped with the street art and face painting, she assisted with the dementia fayre in Epping, making teas and making sure the elderly visitors were ok. Falak has volunteered to represent young people at the ‘Safer Epping’ Group, where she updates members about the work of the Youth Council with the focus on crime and safety. Falak contributes well at meetings and is enthusiastic about the work of the youth council. She is determined, ambitious and contributes in every way she can. She has been recognised for her mature manner, kindness, and helpfulness.


The Chairman of Epping Forest District Council will be presenting the awards at a future Youth council meeting in 2023. Former Youth Councillors, Finlay, and Sonny along with Natalie will be receiving their Jack Petchey Medallions for their outstanding work as Youth Councillors for 2021. Their 2021 awards ceremony was cancelled due to covid restrictions.

The Chair congratulated them both




1.     Safer Epping group

Falak will be attending the Safer Epping group with Wendy at St Johns Church, Epping on Monday 7November.


2.     Essex Faith Covenant meeting

Aliza, Martin, Eylul, Aliza, Sophia to attend the Essex Faith Covenant meeting with Vanessa, at the Epping Forest Museum in Waltham Abbey, on Tuesday 8 November. Aliza and Martin to present their Family History PowerPoint presentations.


3.     Teams meeting

The Youth Councillors fed back that the meeting on Teams was more convenient, although there were some connectivity issues with individuals’ home wi-fi issues.


4.     IPads

Youth councillors to message Katie about their issues with iPads


5.     Social media quotes

            Everyone to send their social media quotes from the Southend visit.