Venue: Virtual Meeting on Zoom
Contact: D Gilson-Butler Tel: (01992) 564365 Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome Welcome by Chairman Falak Hussain and Vice Chair Suki Marx
Minutes: Falak welcomed Youth Councillors and Officers to the meeting, she also introduced Suki Marx as the Vice Chair for this evening’s which will be taking place via Teams. |
Apologies Apologies of absence
Minutes: Matthew Carter, Kirill Ismailov, Olu Ayandare, Aliza Zarras, Sarah Chun-Foon, Scarlet Hinkley, Ahiyan Shah, Sophia Khan.
Falak the chair introduced the guest speaker Beks Korniej. Beks is the Partnership and Projects Manager at the Essex Council for Voluntary Youth Services (E.C.V.Y.S. pronounced EC - VIS). Beks joined tonight’s meeting to find out about the work in which the Youth Councilors do, and more importantly about the involvement in the work and consultations that the ECVYS team conduct.
Beks Korniej, talked about her new role in ECVYS and supporting youth organisations. Beks explained how helpful hearing the voice of young people is to decision makers and thanked the Youth Council for our involvement in the Youth Voice Conference and shared that in the new year the Youth Council will be taking part in the new Youth Voice Listening Project about safety. Beks explained how although adults have once been young, their experiences are quite different from that of young people today, so hearing the voice and experiences of young people today, when decisions are being made is helpful in understanding current issues and creating positive changes. Beks explained how ECVYS help various decision-making organisations hear the voice of young people and thanked the Youth Council for our long-standing connection with ECVYS. Di thanked Beks and the ECVYS team. The Youth Council have been firm supporters of the project for years and have received several pots of funding for their participation in numerous Youth Voices surveys. In January 2023, the Youth Councillors will be taking part in the Violence and Vulnerability Unit (VVU) ‘Secondary Prevention Workstream Fund’. This is an exciting new fund with a potential pot of £380,000 dedicated to supporting, and providing interventions for children, young people, and families across Essex, who are at risk of being involved in criminality and exploitation, through factors that make them more vulnerable than their peers.
Youth Project Update -Youth Cllrs Minutes: William Ayrton informed members of the meeting, the draft ‘Repair My Pocket’ PowerPoint, aimed for 6th formers, has been progressing. Based on ‘The Little Book of Big Scams’ which was published by the Thames Valley police, and re printed for Epping Forest district secondary schools, with funding from the Jack Petchey Foundation. Will explained how Youth Councillors will be presenting the PowerPoint in their schools, to inform and educate pupils about the latest scams. It will also help to keep pupils and their money safe from scams.
Di shared the PowerPoint with members of the meeting, Youth Councillors went through each slide and pointed out the things they liked about the slides and the things they will change.
Di to send Suki and Erika PowerPoint for them to make the changes in which the Youth Councillors raised.
Di informed members of the survey update, 365 people have completed the ‘Repair My Pocket’ survey online and the plan is to review the findings and to send the link to other schools to complete. Di requested assistance to formulate the tables for the report.
Di and Paarth to meet via Teams and Di to send Excel document too Paarth for him to try and format.
IAG survey update - Sarah & Izzy Minutes: Izzy informed members of the meeting how Harry, a member of the IAG, and attends Davenant school, he has been working with Di and Lisa, the chair of the IAG, to devise a survey about pupils’ safety at school and where they live. There are 23 questions. It will be delivered to Davenant pupils first, the IAG Group hope to offer it to the other schools in the spring term.
Safer Epping Group - Falak Minutes: Falak has attended her first meeting and the meetings occur every 3 months. Falak gave a brief overview of what the Safer Epping Group do and how she can inform them of the work which the Youth Councillors do.
Faith Covenant event - Sophia & Eylul Minutes: Eylul explained to members of the meeting how she found everyone friendly and how it was fascinating to speak to people about their different beliefs and religions. Martin also found the event interesting and would hope for it to happen again.
Epping Forest Youth Strategy - Paarth & Erika Minutes: The meeting was postponed and a new date for the next meeting has yet to be confirmed. Paarth and Erika to attend, meetings are quarterly.
EFYC updates Update from schools - All Youth Councillors Braeside Chigwell Davenant Debden Park Epping St Johns Ilford County King Harold New City College Roding Valley The Ongar Academy West Hatch
Minutes: Braeside (Izzy) – Christmas events starting next week. Chigwell (William) – Preparing for Christmas. Davenant (Martin, Suki) – Early morning School Council meeting to now start.Year Council meetings now taking place which is 12 people 2 from every form. Suki chaired the previous meeting in which projects, clubs, improvements for the school was discussed as well as a general catch up. Debden Park (Krish) – Heating now turned on at school. Epping St Johns (Henry & Oscar) – The heating is still off in school however pupils can wear coats in class. King Harold Academy (Sarah & Scarlett) – No one present from King Harold Academy. New City College (Liam & Matthew) – Nothing to inform. Roding Valley High (Abigail) – Nothing to inform. West Hatch high (Aliza) – Not present at the meeting. |
Remembrance Day Service - Sarah, Scarlet & Ahiyan Minutes: Youth Councillors appreciated being asked to attend the three Remembrance Day Services in Waltham Abbey, Epping, and Loughton, representing the young people in the district. Youth Councillors also helped to sell poppies with the Loughton Town Council.
Christmas Social Tuesday 20 December Minutes: Di informed Youth Councillors how The Christmas Social will be held on Tuesday 20th December at Ten Pin Bowling in Harlow. Youth Councillors will need to arrive at 6:15pm, Karaoke has been booked as well as three bowling lanes. Di has asked that Youth Councillors wear their Christmas jumpers and hats, to get into the Christmas spirit. Parents to drop off and collect Youth Councillors inside the Leisure Zone reception. Youth Councillors to arrange transport with parents and if possible, arrange car sharing with Youth Councillors who live nearby.
The Youth Councillors agreed on no Secret Santa this year.
Youth Councillors to share on WhatsApp Group if they have trouble getting to Harlow. Martin informed the group how he may have trouble, Di advised he send a message in the WhatsApp Group for him to car share with another Youth Councillor who lives nearby. Di thanked parents for their support.
Jack Petchey and EFYC Awards presentation Minutes: Di informed Youth Councillors how meetings will be virtual until further notice, the Jack Petchey award winner’s presentation evening, on the 10 January, will be rescheduled. The awards are for the former Youth Cllrs Finlay Wallbanks and Sonny Bazzoni along with current Youth Cllr Natalie Moffat.
Matt Carter will receive the Jack Petchey Environmental award.
The 2022 Jack Petchey Awards will be presented to Sarah ChuFoon, Falak Hussain, and Suki Marx. Di congratulated all winners and thanked them for all their hard work.
EFYC AOB Minutes: Di informed Youth Councillors how Sophia has now left Braeside School and will now be home schooled and an independent Youth Councillor.
Di informed Youth Councillor’s how Katie will be leaving EFDC in December and will no longer be working with the Youth Councillors. Di thanked Katie for her hard work and support and wished her well in her new job.
Di would like to let Youth Councillors know that she is happy to come to schools to support Youth Councillors when presenting the ‘Repair my pocket’ project.
Di informed Youth Councillor’s how Kirill has recently resigned due to his sports commitment. Di and the Youth Councillor’s would like to wish Kirill all the best and thank him for his service.
Di informed Youth Councillor’s how this will be the last meeting for 2022 other than the Christmas party at Tenpin Bowling. Di Thanked all the Youth Councillors for a great 2022 and hope they all have a very merry Christmas.
Beks thanked Di and the Youth Councillors for allowing her to attend tonight’s meeting and a well done for all involved.
Falak the Chair closed the meeting at 20:30pm.