Venue: Virtual Meeting on Zoom
Contact: Gary Woodhall Tel: 01992 564243 Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman To elect a chairman for the meeting. The Chairman of the Appointments Panel should normally be the Leader of the Council.
Apologies for Absence To be announced at the meeting. |
To note the terms of reference of the Appointments Panel.
Appointment of Group Leaders, Deputy Group Leaders & Political Groups 2021/22 To receive notification of the appointment of Group Leaders, Deputy Group Leaders and the constitution of Political Groups for the next municipal year.
(a) Group Leaders and Deputies
To receive notification of the appointment of Group Leaders and Deputy Group Leaders of the Political Groups.
(b) Constitution of Political Groups
To receive notification of the constitution of Political Groups.
The relevant notification form is attached.
Chairman & Vice-Chairman of Council 2021/22 To receive nominations for the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council for the next municipal year. The nominations process approved by the Council in February 2014 is set out below, which incorporates a revision to Section (vi) of the procedure for the appointment of the Vice-Chairman of the Council, as a result of the review of the Constitution undertaken in March 2016.
(a) Election of Chairman of the Council
The individual elected to the office of Chairman of Epping Forest District Council shall be elected on merit by the Council at its annual meeting (see also provision (iv) below).
(b) Appointment of Vice-Chairman of Council
The appointment of the Vice Chairman of the Council shall be undertaken by the Council on the basis of merit in accordance with the following provisions:
(i) nominees for the office of Vice-Chairman of the Council are required to submit a nomination form supported and signed by no fewer than 15 serving District Councillors on the date when the Appointments Panel holds its first meeting in any municipal year; (ii) nominees for Vice-Chairman of the Council may be a Councillor from any political group on the Council or any independent or unaffiliated Councillor; (iii) the nomination of candidates for the position of Vice-Chairman and the expression of support for any nomination may be notified to the co-ordinating member by electronic mail; (iv) all nominations shall be considered by the Appointments Panel for onward recommendation to the annual Council meeting; (v) it is expected that the person appointed by the Council as Vice-Chairman of the Council shall normally be elected as the Chairman of the Council for the following Council year; (vi) if for any reason, a Vice-Chairman is unable to be elected as Chairman of the Council following their year as Vice Chairman, the procedure outlined in (a) to (c) above shall also apply to the election of a new Chairman. If it is not possible to submit a supported and signed nomination form by the date on which the Appointments Panel holds its first meeting in any municipal year, nominees for the office of Chairman of the Council are required to submit to the Proper Officer, a nomination form supported and signed by no fewer than 15 serving Councillors, by the date of the Annual Council meeting; and (vii) the Council may suspend the operation of the appointment process set out above at an annual Council meeting. A motion to that effect and giving reasons as to why this would be in the best interests of the Council may only be adopted if the equivalent of 65% of Council members present at the meeting vote in favour.
The relevant notification form is attached.
Appointment of Leader & Cabinet 2021/22 To consider the appointment of the Leader of the Council (if required) and the Cabinet for the next municipal year.
(a) Leader of the Council
The Council’s Constitution provides that at the annual meeting after the current Leader completes his/her term of office, the Council must reappoint a Leader for a four-year term (or to the annual Council meeting after their normal retirement date). This appointment can only be made by the Council and was last made on 20 May 2019. Nominations for the position of Leader are not therefore required this year (Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (Section 67)).
(b) Leader Appointments
The Leader to report on the current position with regard to:
(i) Cabinet appointments; (ii) Cabinet portfolios and responsibilities; and (iii) Cabinet committees and appointments.
A schedule showing the appointments of the Leader for the current municipal year is attached (Appendix 1), together with details of any nominations so far received for the next year (Appendix 2). The Leader will report separately with regard to further appointments for the next year. Additional documents: |
Political Group Allocations 2021/22 To note the Council’s adopted procedure relating to pro rata allocations to committees and the advice in this regard previously issued by Counsel.
The pro rata allocations schedule showing the current position is also attached. A revised schedule of allocations will be circulated after the results of the forthcoming local elections are available.
Additional documents: |
Appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees & Select Committees 2021/22 To consider nominations for membership of Committees, Sub-Committees and Select Committees etc. for the next municipal year.
(a) Nominations
A schedule showing the membership of Committees and Sub-Committees etc. for the current municipal year is attached (Appendix 3), together with details of any nominations so far received for the next year (Appendix 4). Group Leaders will report separately with regard to further nominations for membership of Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels for the next year.
The Panel should be aware that the Constitution (Article 11, Paragraph 8 (Eligibility for Membership - Councillor Members)), provides that councillors appointed to the Audit and Governance Committee may not also be members of any select committee appointed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with responsibility for reviewing the Council’s finances or financial procedures.
(b) Area Plans Sub-Committees
Members appointed to the Area Plans Sub-Committees are drawn from those councillors representing wards within the area for which each Sub-Committee is responsible. Seats on each Sub-Committee are allocated to all Councillors representing electoral wards in the areas concerned and the requirement for the appointment of Sub-Committees from all members of the Council does not apply to the Sub-Committees.
Newly elected members may be appointed to the relevant Area Plans Sub-Committee at the next ordinary meeting of the full Council. There is no longer any requirement for members to ‘opt-in’ to membership of Area Plans Sub-Committee South.
(c) Overview and Scrutiny - Select Committees & Task and Finish Panels
Nominations to the select committees and any ongoing task and finish panels are not required for the Annual Council Meeting. Nominations will be considered at the first meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the new municipal year.
A schedule showing the membership of the select committees for the current municipal year is attached (Appendix 5), together with details of any nominations so far received for the next year (Appendix 6). Group Leaders will report separately with regard to further nominations for membership of the select committees for the next year.
For the purposes of the Council’s current Overview and Scrutiny framework, the provision of the Constitution reflected at (a) above in relation to membership of the Audit and Governance Committee, relates directly to the Stronger Council Select Committee.
Additional documents: |
Appointments to Outside Organisations 2021/22 To consider member appointments to outside organisations.
(a) Non-Executive Functions
A schedule of appointments for the current municipal year is attached (Appendix 7), together with separate details of any nominations so far received for the next year (Appendix 8). Group Leaders will report separately with regard to further nominations for appointments to outside organisations for the next year.
(b) Executive Functions
A schedule of appointments for the current municipal year is attached (Appendix 9), together with details of any appointments of the Leader of the Council so far received for the next year (Appendix 10). The Leader will report separately with regard to further appointments to outside organisations for the next year.
Additional documents: |
Substitute Members - Notification Arrangements 2021/22 Group Leaders to report the details of those councillors appointed for the purposes of the notification of substitute members for meetings of the Council’s committees etc.
Appointment of Member Champions 2021/22 To consider the appointment (or re-appointment) of Member Champions for the next municipal year, in accordance with the protocol agreed by the Council on 30 July 2019.
Co-option of Members to Overview & Scrutiny Committees 2021/22 To consider the appointment (or re-appointment) of co-opted members to the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny committees for the next municipal year, in accordance with the protocol agreed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees on 28 January 2020.
At its meeting on 25 February 2021, the Council appointed Mr Wyn Marshall as a non-voting, co-opted member of the Stronger Communities Select Committee until the end of the 2021/22 municipal year. |
Council Meetings - Seating Plan 2021/22 A proposed seating layout for Council meetings in the Council Chamber for the new municipal year will be circulated before the agenda is published for the meeting of the Council scheduled for 29 July 2021. |
Any Other Business To consider any additional items of business for the meeting.
Date of Next Meeting To note that, if required, a further meeting of the Appointments Panel can be scheduled prior to the Annual Council meeting. |