Venue: Council Chamber in the Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, College Square, Harlow CM20 1WG
Contact: T Larsen, Democratic Services EFDC. Tel: (01992) 564243
No. | Item |
WEBCASTING INTRODUCTION To be announced at the meeting.
To report non-attendance before the meeting, please contact the EFDC Democratic Services to ensure your absence is properly logged. Minutes: The Director of HGGT Naisha Polaine made a short address to remind everyone present that the meeting would be broadcast to the internet, and would be capable of repeated viewing, which could infringe their human and data protection rights. |
SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS To report on the appointment of any substitute members for the meeting. Minutes: It was noted that Cllr Lee Scott was substituting for Cllr Lesley Wagland. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Joint Committee are invited to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Personal Interest in any item on this agenda. Minutes: No declarations of interest were declared. |
MINUTES This is the first meeting of the HGGT Joint Committee and therefore no minutes of previous meeting. Minutes: This was the first meeting of the HGGT Joint Committee and therefore there were no minutes of previous meeting. |
MATTERS ARISING AND OUTSTANDING ACTIONS This is the first meeting of the HGGT Joint Committee and therefore no matters arising or outstanding actions. Minutes: This was the first meeting of the HGGT Joint Committee and therefore there were no matters arising or outstanding actions. |
REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE JOINT COMMITTEE Any member of the public or elected member may address the Joint Committee on any agenda item (except those dealt with in private session as exempt or confidential business) due to be considered at the meeting, in accordance with the provisions contained within Part 21 and 22 of the Inter-Authority Agreement. Minutes: No requests to address the Joint Committee had been received. |
ELECTION OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE To elect the Chairman of the Joint Committee for the remainder of the 2024/2025 Municipal Year. Decision: That Cllr D Swords be elected as Chairman of the HGGT Joint Committee for the 2024/24 municipal year. Minutes: Resolved:
That Cllr D Swords be elected as Chairman of the HGGT Joint Committee for the 2024/25 municipal year. |
ELECTION OF THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE To elect the Deputy Chairman of the Joint Committee for the remainder of the 2024/2025 Municipal Year. Decision: That Cllr S Boulton be elected as Deputy Chairman of the HGGT Joint Committee for the 2024/25 municipal year. Minutes: Resolved:
That Cllr S Boulton be elected as Deputy Chairman of the HGGT Joint Committee for the 2024/25 municipal year. |
INTRODUCTION TO THE HARLOW AND GILSTON GARDEN TOWN JOINT COMMITTEE PDF 913 KB To introduce the newly established Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Joint Committee. Decision: (1) That, as set out in appendix A & B of the report, the processes, procedures, and functions of the HGGT Joint Committee be noted;
(2) That the role and the requirement for the independent Facilitator be reviewed at the meeting of the HGGT Joint Committee scheduled for October 2024; and
(3) That, as set out in appendix C of the report, the formal protocol for members of the public to engage with the HGGT Joint Committee be agreed. Minutes: The Director introduced a report introducing Harlow Gilston Garden Town (HGGT) Joint Committee, as established by East Hertfordshire District Council (EHDC), Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) and Harlow District Council (HDC) and the County Council’s of Essex (ECC) and Hertfordshire (HCC).
The purpose of the HGGT Joint Committee is to provide accountable and cross boundary leadership to deliver the ambitious spatial growth proposals set out in the Local Plans of EFDC, EHDC and HDC and supported by ECC and HCC, and to coordinate and maximise opportunities for new and existing residents and communities. The HGGT Joint Committee will hold the responsibility to deliver the agreed HGGT Vision to promote healthy, sustainable communities and co-ordinate and facilitate the delivery of 16,000 new homes in the HGGT by 2033, and 7,000 new homes in the years after that along with associated transport, community and environmental infrastructure.
(1) It was noted that, as set out in appendix A & B of the report, the processes, procedures, and functions of the HGGT Joint Committee;
(2) It was noted that the role and the requirement for the independent Facilitator be reviewed at the meeting of the HGGT Joint Committee scheduled for October 2024; and
(3) It was agreed that, as set out in appendix C of the report, the formal protocol for members of the public to engage with the HGGT Joint Committee. |
HGGT 2024/25 BUDGET AND PROGRAMME PDF 842 KB To review the HGGT 2024/25 Budget and Programme. Decision: (1) That, as set out in appendix A & B of the report, the HGGT 2024/25 budget and programme of work be approved;
(2) That, in consultation with the Chairman of the Joint Committee, authority be delegated to the Director of HGGT to make minor changes within established thresholds to the budget profile and allocation if required;
(3) That any such changes made under (2) above would be reported to the next meeting of the HGGT Joint Committee; and
(4) That a scheduling of a presentation of the HGGT 3 year business plan for the period 2025-28 to the Joint Committee during 2024/25 be noted. Minutes: The Director introduced a report to establish 2024/25 HGGT budget and programme of work. The five Council HGGT Joint Committee’s primary objective is to co-ordinate and enable the delivery of 16,000 new homes by 2033, along with the associated community and transport related infrastructure, that will deliver sustainable development in and around Harlow in line with the agreed Garden Town Vision and the Local Plans adopted by EHDC, EFDC and HDC. Members of the HGGT Board agreed at the 12 March 2024 meeting, approved the 2024/25 Budget and Programme of co-ordinating and enabling work for officers to implement from 1 April 2024 and to allow contractual commitments to be met. The report presents this agreed HGGT Budget and Programme of Work for 2024/25 for approval by the HGGT Joint Committee.
(1) The HGGT 2024/25 budget and programme of work was approved, as set out in appendix A & B of the report;
(2) It was agreed that in consultation with the Chairman of the Joint Committee, authority be delegated to the Director of HGGT to make minor changes within established thresholds to the budget profile and allocation if required;
(3) It was agreed that any such changes made under (2) above would be reported to the next meeting of the HGGT Joint Committee; and
(4) It was noted that a scheduling of a presentation of the HGGT 3-year business plan for the period 2025-28 to the Joint Committee during 2024/25 will take place. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 requires that the permission of the Chairman be obtained, after prior notice to the Proper Officer, before urgent business not specified in the agenda may be transacted. Minutes: It was noted that there was no other business for consideration by the Joint Committee. |
DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Joint Committee will be held on Tuesday 22nd July 2024. Minutes: The Joint Committee noted that their next meeting would be on Monday 22 July 2024 at 6.30pm. |