The Council has the following functions:
Adoption of and changes to the
Approval of, adoption of and
revisions to the policy framework and the budget. (The budget
includes the allocation of financial resources to different
services and projects, proposed contingency funds, the Council Tax
base, setting the Council Tax and decisions relating to the control
of the Council's borrowing requirement, the control of its capital
expenditure and the setting of virement limits);
Adoption of Plans and
Strategies including the Community Plan/Strategy, Capital Strategy,
and other plans which it decides, as a matter of local choice,
should be the responsibility of the Council to adopt;
Election/Appointment of the
Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Council; the Leader and members of
the Cabinet; members of Committees and Sub Committees;
Agreeing and amending the terms
of reference for Committees, deciding on their composition and
making appointments to them;
Appointing representatives to
outside bodies;
Adoption of the District
Council's Codes of Conduct;
Adopting an allowances
Confirming the appointment or
dismissal of the Head of Paid Service;
Making, amending, revoking,
re-enacting or adopting bylaws and promoting or opposing the making
of local legislation or personal Bills;
contributions from relevant community groups or representatives;
Agreeing and supporting the
community engagement activities