(Planning Policy Portfolio Holder) To consider the attached report (C-068-2016/17).
(1) That the initial findings of the Draft Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation be noted;
(2) That the progression of the Draft Local Plan to Pre-Submission publication under Regulation 19 of the Local Plan Regulations 2012 be agreed; and
(3) That the updated Local Development Scheme included within this reported be agreed and published on the Council’s website.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy presented a report on the Draft Local Plan, Regulation 18 consultation.
The Portfolio Holder updated members on the progress of the Draft Local Plan by providing high level findings from the Regulation 18 consultation that took place between 31 October 2016 and 12 December 2016. The Council had received a large number of representations from a wide range of stakeholders. The findings from the questionnaire responses were set out in Appendix A of the report which was the Feedback Interim Report from Remarkable. It should be noted that this was an initial indication of the responses, based on the results of the multiple choice questions online and the hard-copy questionnaires only. It was therefore representative of around half of the respondents to the consultation. Initial analysis of the responses from statutory consultees, Parish and Town Councils had also been undertaken. Many of these were supportive of the overall vision and objectives of the Plan, the provision for additional affordable housing and the scale of growth being proposed. The main concerns and issues identified so far through consultation analysis of these responses included:
- Concern that the infrastructure requirements for the development proposed was not met particularly with respect to the capacity of the Central Line, education provision and health provision;
- The proposed distribution of growth across the District;
- Concern over the potential loss of managed open space and leisure facilities;
- Impact on the roads/traffic congestion;
- Loss of local identity and character and potential for coalescence; and
- Proposed alterations to the Green Belt boundary.
The Portfolio Holder advised that a more detailed analysis of all responses received, including consideration of findings on an area basis, was still to be undertaken and will form the basis of a further report which would be presented at a future meeting.
The Portfolio Holder advised that agreement was sought to an updated Local Development Scheme (LDS), the high level project plan for the preparation of the Epping Forest District Local Plan. The proposed new scheme would supersede the earlier Local Development Scheme agreed in July 2016, with the preparation of the single District wide Local Plan scheduled for submission to the Secretary of State for examination in May 2018.
The Portfolio Holder addressed some of the concerns by the Public Speakers and advised that the Council had commissioned new work to update the open space playing pitch and indoor sports facilities information working with Sport England. The Environment Agency have misunderstood our Draft Local Plan as no sites have been proposed for allocation in any area higher than a flood risk zone 1.
The Portfolio Holder advised that the Council was successful (together with East Herts and Harlow Councils) in securing £500,000 Garden Towns funding from the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) for the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town to support the delivery of strategic sites in and around Harlow. This included the four strategic sites to the South, West and East of Harlow in this District. A joint delivery team was being established with this Council as the lead authority and the post of Project Director was currently being recruited.
Members expressed interest in knowing all of the new sites that had been put forward and sites withdrawn since the close of the consultation.
The Portfolio Holder advised that there were approximately 65 new sites identified and that the relevant information would be published in the weekly bulletin.
(1) That the initial findings of the Draft Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation be noted;
(2) That the progression of the Draft Local Plan to Pre-Submission publication under Regulation 19 of the Local Plan Regulations 2012 be agreed; and
(3) That the updated Local Development Scheme included within this reported be agreed and published on the Council’s website.
Reasons for Decision:
To provide members with feedback from the recent Draft Local Plan consultation and advise them of the next steps in the plan preparation. The Council was obliged under the Localism Act 2011 to prepare and publish a Local Development Scheme so that the public and stakeholders were aware of the likely timing of key stages of the plan making process.
Other Options Considered and Rejected:
Not to advise members of the key issues from the recent Draft Local Plan consultation and implications for the next stages of plan preparation. To not agree, or to vary the Local Development Scheme.
Supporting documents: