Agenda item

Overview & Scrutiny Committee Work Programmes 2018/19 - Review

Progress towards the achievement of the work programmes for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and each of the select committees, is reviewed by the Committee at each meeting.


(a)          Current Work Programmes


The current overview and scrutiny work programmes are attached as an appendix to this report.


(b)          Reserve Programme


A reserve list of scrutiny topics is developed as required, to ensure that the work flow of overview and scrutiny is continuous. When necessary, the Committee will allocate items from the list appropriately, once resources become available in the work programme, following the completion of any ongoing scrutiny activity.


Members can put forward suggestions for inclusion in the work programme or reserve list through the adopted PICK process. Existing review items will be dealt with first, after which time will be allocated to the items contained in the reserve work plan.



The Committee reviewed their work programme for the rest of the year.


It was noted that item 2 of the work programme ‘Corporate Priorities 2018/19’ would now be going to the October meeting.


They noted that the Manchester Airport Group had been approached to attend the next O&S Committee meeting in October 2018. Members would be asked for topics that would like covered via the Council Bulletin.


If it turned out that any external organisations could not attend, then the item on the ‘People Strategy’ in the reserve programme would be substituted.


The Committee was advised that it was still hoped that representatives of ECC Passenger Transport  would be able to attend a future meeting. The chairman indicated that she would be writing to the relevant Portfolio Holder of Essex County Council in this regard. Councillor Mohindra also noted that for the School Transport Provisions he had spoken to the relevant member at County Hall and that he would be more amenable to a private briefing with the members this committee rather than a standard O&S meeting.


Councillor R Jennings suggested that at a future date the Committee invite the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to give a presentation to this Committee. The South East LEP was the second largest in England comprising of Essex, Kent and East Sussex. When Government published its white paper on the industrial strategy it confirmed its intention to use those partnerships to produce local industrial strategies and off course this would apply to Epping Forest District; so we will need to start working with the LEP soon. He suggested that once this had settled down and they had clear guidance from the Government that we look at this and invite them sometime early next year. Councillor Mohindra agreed and said that ECC were would be leading this conservation but the Chairman and Managing Director should be happy to attend, but not in the near future.


The Committee agreed to add this to their work programme.


Councillor Dorrell would like to prioritise the 6th Form consortium item. Councillor Murray noted that all three schools had a new head teacher, and we should give them time to bed in. He would like to prioritise the review of the EF College now that the Principal had now gone. He noted that about 80% of young people do not go to the Epping Forest 6th Form consortium. In light of this it would be important to get someone here from the new college as he had real concerns of what they would be offering and for their long term future.


Mr Macnab noted that the Council’s response to the College’s consultation had been published in the Bulletin, resulting in a meeting between him and senior management from the college. A full written response was also published in the Member’s Bulletin. He noted that it was the intention of the college to seek representation from this council on their local governing body and to invite 3 community representatives onto the local board. Now that the merger had occurred it was right to invite them back but not in the near future as they were still sorting themselves out.


Councillor Sartin suggested that this was something to keep a close eye on, but we would have a representative on their governing body who would report back.


Councillor Patel reiterated his request to have the local mental health services come to a future meeting. He would like to identify those who had sole responsibility for the services for the district and would like to invite them sooner rather than later. Mr Macnab said that he would endeavour to find out who was responsible and report back to the October meeting.


Councillor Mohindra said that the organisation responsible was called EPUT the ‘Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’ and they were the ones that should be invited.



Select Committees


Communities Select Committee


Councillor H Whitbread noted that at their last meeting they had considered the review of the homeless strategy and agreed that it was good strategy and would now be going out for consultation with stakeholders, to be in place by 1st September.


They also considered the aging population study which was doing some really good work and also the housing strategy.


Governance Select Committee


It was noted that they had a short agenda for their first meeting.


Neighbourhoods Select Committee


Mr Macnab reported that at their first meeting they had received a presentation on environmental health and general enforcement activities which was well received.


Resources Select Committee


Councillor Patel had nothing further to report.

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