Agenda item

Overview & Scrutiny Select Committee Framework - Review

At its meeting on 29 October 2018, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered the proposed establishment of a new overview and scrutiny framework, based on a structure of two cross-service select committees, from the commencement of the 2019/20 municipal year.


The review of the select committee framework was initiated by the implementation of the Council’s People Strategy, which has progressed as far as the appointment of new Strategic Directors and Service Directors. The Council’s new senior management structure comprises eight new service directorates covering the operations of the authority and the Leader of the Council intends to realign the responsibilities of the Cabinet during the current municipal year to reflect the new structure. As a result, it has therefore been considered appropriate to also review the alignment of the overview and scrutiny framework.


The review of the select committee framework was considered at a joint meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen held on 3 September 2018. However, the Committee has deferred further consideration of this matter to its next meeting, to allow appropriate consultation on the restructure of the framework to be undertaken with all members.


The joint meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen considered that it was important that any future select committee framework continued reflect the management structure of the Council and cover the whole range of its business, whilst also achieving efficiencies and maintaining the effectiveness of the Council’s scrutiny activity. The option favoured by the joint meeting for the future select committee framework, was for the establishment of two new select committees:


Communities & Neighbourhoods Select Committee


·                 Housing and Property Services;

·                 Community and Partnership Services;

·                 Contract and Technical Services; and

·                 Planning Services.


Governance & Resources Select Committee


·                 Governance and Member Services;

·                 Business Support Services;

·                 Customer Services; and

·                 Commercial and Regulatory Services.


In reviewing the select committee framework, the joint meeting considered areas of concern likely to arise from a reduction in the current number of select committees, including:


(a)       the potential increase in workload for each committee;

(b)       a perceived lack of balance in the workload of each committee;

(c)       the reduction in member involvement if no increase be made in the number of members appointed to each select committee; and

(d)       the likelihood of reduced opportunities for member development in terms of chairmanship skills and experience.


The joint meeting considered that some of these concerns could be addressed through the development of achievable work programmes for each select committee and that the recommended option would provide clear scope to the scrutiny activities of each committee whilst continuing to provide for relevant scrutiny activity to also occur by way of the creation of task and finish panels (as necessary). It is intended that a Strategic Director would be designated for each proposed select committee and that management of the workload of each committee and the achievement of work programme priorities would be the responsibility of the respective chairman in liaison with the Strategic Director.


The development of focused and achievableannual work programmes for each select committee, informed by relevant service aims and priorities, would be a key feature of the new framework A more robust approach to the development of work programmes might include linking them to the corporate objectives, business plans and services of the Council, whilst also being informed by member and community priorities. Work programmes must also be realistic, flexible and retain spare capacity so that additional matters can be addressed, taking into account the capacity o(including officer capacity) to achieve work programmes, whilst focussing on matters where scrutiny can make a difference.


The joint meeting considered that the Cabinet should be encouraged to utilise the overview and scrutiny framework for policy development and pre-decision scrutiny. The consideration of proposed policy and decisions before they are made provides an important means to influence such matters and to challenge assumptions that may have been made as the policy or decision is developed. Scrutiny can bring a different perspective to the policy and decision-making process and looking at a decision before it is made can be a more effective means of scrutiny than looking at a decision after it is made (through the call-in process), when the opportunity to influence and change the decision was limited. Members also considered that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should be encouraged to utilise its existing opportunity for the review of the Cabinet’s forward plan of key decisions at each meeting, to proactively review specific executive decisions to be taken over the period of the forward plan. 


The joint meeting considered that items for information should not be included in the work programmes or business as usual activity of the select committees, as such matters can be more appropriately delivered by way of member briefings etc. The joint meeting also suggested that the Constitution Working Group should be asked to consider the application of requirements for members to make reports to the Council about the business of external organisations subject of member representation, in order that such matters do not unnecessarily congest the work programmes of the select committees.


It was not intended that the proposed new select committees would meet at any greater frequency than the current framework, or that any increase be made in the number of members appointed to each committee (subject to the overall political composition of the Council) in accordance with pro-rata provisions. Although this approach would result in a reduction in the number of members appointed to select committees, the Constitution allows any member to attend meetings of such bodies. The joint meeting accepted that a reduction in the number of select committees would provide reduced opportunities for member development in terms of chairmanship skills and experience, but wished to encourage the use of existing opportunities for the establishment of task and finish panels to support the delivery of work programme activity.


The joint meeting requested that the current induction and on-going training arrangements for members in respect of the Council’s overview and scrutiny function, be reviewed as appropriate, to reflect any new select committee framework. It is also intended that the operation of any new select committee framework would be reviewed during the 2020/21 municipal year, after a year of operation.


The views of members are therefore sought on the following:


(1)       The establishment of two new cross-service select committees and the proposed responsibilities of each select committee;


(2)       The development of balanced and achievable annual work programmes for each select committee, drawing on Portfolio Holder and service delivery aims and objectives and relevant member and community priorities etc.;


(3)       The use of existing arrangements for the establishment of task and finish panels to facilitate the delivery of work programme activity by the select committees and provide opportunities for member development in terms of chairmanship skills and experience.


(4)       The number of members appointed to each proposed select committee (subject to pro-rata requirements) and the frequency of meetings of the select committees;


(5)       The use by the Cabinet of the overview and scrutiny framework for policy development and pre-decision scrutiny activity;


(6)       The use by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of its existing opportunity for the review of the forward plan of executive key decisions;


(7)       The current application of requirements for members to report to meetings of the Council on the business of external organisations;


(8)       The current induction and on-going training arrangements for members in respect of the Council’s overview and scrutiny function; and


(9)       Any other matters relevant to the establishment of a new overview and scrutiny framework.


Members are asked to provide comments and responses to the above issues to by 30 November 2018. The full report considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 29 October 2018 is available at:


(Further information: Steve Tautz ext 4180)