To consider the attached report (C-042-2018/19).
(1) That the general progress on the St John’s Road redevelopment scheme be noted;
(2) That on the basis that the estimated Capital Costs for the construction of the new Leisure Centre were recovered by an uplift in management fee from the Council’s Leisure Management Partner and capital receipts from the sale of the current Epping Sports Centre, as contained in the Development Appraisal, that formal negotiations be entered into with Places Leisure to vary the Leisure Management Contract for the development of a new Leisure Centre at the St John’s Road Site, on a Design, Build, Operate and Manage basis;
(3) That in order to construct the new Leisure Centre in the optimum location, that the District Council enter into formal discussions with Epping Town Council to acquire Epping Hall, to include the potential relocation of the Town Council to 323 House at the Civic Offices;
(4) That expressions of Interest be sought for suitably qualified Cinema operators to establish the viability of the conversion of the Centrepoint Building in St John’s Road, Epping and identify the most favourable financial agreement that could be reached;
(5) That the Council adopt a similar approach as utilised in the development of the Epping Forest Shopping Park, namely that a specialist project team be appointed to procure the construction and letting of the units and that a further report be received on costs; and
(6) That a future report be received on the most viable option to deliver the residential element of the project.
The Leader of the Council noted that the background papers to this report were considered to have exempt information in them and should not be discussed in detail in open session. However, he would like to take the covering report in open session and not move into private session unless members wanted to ask detailed questions that involved the background papers.
Councillor C Whitbread noted that the St John’s Road development was an important strategic project for the Council. Negotiations on a tripartite agreement between the District Council, Epping Town Council and the previously appointed development partner, Frontier Estates, had failed to reach a mutually acceptable conclusion and terminated in October 2018. On 10th December 2018, the Cabinet agreed to proceed with an alternative scheme, still in accordance with the previously adopted Design and Development Brief, but incorporating a replacement Leisure Centre for Epping Sports Centre.
This report updated Members on general progress with the redevelopment of the site, and specifically sought authority to proceed with the new Leisure Centre in partnership with Places Leisure. In addition, it sought agreement on an approach to the procurement of the Retail and Cinema provision.
Councillor Mohindra congratulated the Leader and the Officers for drawing up exciting plans and putting in a state-of-the-art leisure facilities.
Councillor Bedford had reservations about the geographical spread of swimming pools in the centre of the district. At present the distribution of pools covered the district quite well. With this proposal they would tend to become centralised and there were concerns raised by the residents of Ongar who wanted to retain the Ongar pool. He noted that the continued use of this pool would be reviewed in the future but was concerned that it would recommend the closure of the pool at Ongar. He did not mind having a leisure centre in Epping but would like the pool in Ongar to remain to cover that side of the district. The Leader of the Council noted that the dry side of the Ongar Leisure centre had some investment but there were some issues around the pool. However, that was question for the future. Sports for England had said that Epping was the preferred site for a new centre. This had been carefully thought through.
Councillor Sartin picked up that this would be a leisure centre for Epping. In reality Epping was surrounded by a number of rural parishes, this should be seen as more than just a facility for Epping. The Leader of the Council agreed and noted that people came from all around to use our Leisure facilities and that our residents also had the opportunity use facilities from other areas.
Councillor H Whitbread said that this was great news for Epping and the District, and it was something that the people of Epping wanted. There had been some misleading statements saying that this was going to North Weald and asked the Leader to confirm this would be for Epping. The Leader of the Council confirmed that it would be for Epping. Councillor Jon Whitehouse said that it was not made clear in some of the Council documents. However, he welcomed this report and the prospect for mixed facilities being brought to Epping.
Councillor Brookes noted that this would be a more complicated build than it would have been in North Weald. Timing would be quite critical here, and difficult in terms of planning and conservation aspects. The Leader of the Council noted that this was not restricted by the Master Planning exercise for North Weald, so we are already making progress in Epping on this. North Weald had been proposed and Councillor Helen Kane had asked members for any alternative suggestions. Councillor H Kane added that they had looked at every possible site available and was pleased that they had found one in Epping.
The Leader of the Council then took the meeting into private session to cover some details of capital costs and timetabling of the proposed redevelopment that formed part of the recommendations.
(1) That the general progress on the St John’s Road redevelopment scheme be noted;
(2) That on the basis that the estimated Capital Costs for the construction of the new Leisure Centre were recovered by an uplift in management fee from the Council’s Leisure Management Partner and capital receipts from the sale of the current Epping Sports Centre, as contained in the Development Appraisal, that formal negotiations be entered into with Places Leisure to vary the Leisure Management Contract for the development of a new Leisure Centre at the St John’s Road Site, on a Design, Build, Operate and Manage basis;
(3) That to construct the new Leisure Centre in the optimum location, that the District Council enter into formal discussions with Epping Town Council to acquire Epping Hall, to include the potential relocation of the Town Council to 323 House at the Civic Offices;
(4) That expressions of Interest be sought for suitably qualified Cinema operators to establish the viability of the conversion of the Centrepoint Building in St John’s Road, Epping and identify the most favourable financial agreement that could be reached;
(5) That the Council adopt a similar approach as utilised in the development of the Epping Forest Shopping Park, namely that a specialist project team be appointed to procure the construction and letting of the units and that a further report be received on costs; and
(6) That a future report be received on the most viable option to deliver the residential element of the project.
Reasons for Proposed Decision:
The St John’s Road development site in Epping, comprises of the former Junior School, Town Council Offices and Hall and the District Council’s housing repairs depot. Located in an important town centre location, redevelopment could deliver considerable community and economic benefits for residents, businesses and visitors to Epping. As the former school buildings have not been utilised for a considerable number of years, it was imperative that the Council, as owners, bring forward a redevelopment scheme in the wider public interest.
Other Options for Action:
There were several potential alternative options available to the Council to include the sale of the core site on the open market, to include the adjacent depot, or alternatively, the Council could seek another private sector development partner. Although the site does have an adopted Design and Development Brief and an allocation in the Submission Version of the Local Plan, these external marketing approaches would see a loss of direct control, potentially incurring further delay, and the risk that any new owner/partner would not produce a scheme, which fully realises the community benefits sought. Because of the Council adopting any alternative options, the result would likely be a need to find an alternative site for the relocation of Epping Sports Centre. This was because community sports provision of the type envisaged, would not be attractive to potential private sector developers, who would wish to provide more commercial facilities.
Supporting documents: