Agenda item

Corporate Plan Action Plan Year 2 Performance Report

To consider the attached report.


The Community and Partnerships Services Director, J Chandler advised that Corporate Plan Action Plan provided a mechanism for reporting the Council’s Key Performance Indicators and Programme of Works to members. It highlighted the Council’s overall performance against the Corporate Objectives on a quarterly basis.


The Year 2 reported had been streamlined to enable an improved focus and the plan was a working document and officers would report on an exception basis. 


The Community and Partnerships Service Director updated members as follows;


1.            Engaging with the changing needs of our customers –


Increased Customer Satisfaction – The measure would be reported quarterly going forward. The first quarter was 73.4% which had exceeded the overall target for the year, so the overall target had now been increased to 75%.


Improved Customer First Contact Resolution – The green tick represented that the overall target would be achieved as the first quarter had a value of 37.41% with the overall target being 45%.


4.         Safeguarding & Supporting People in Vulnerable Situations –


It was noted that the KPI related to customer satisfaction of Homesafe and Sanctuary schemes, relates to both the number of survey returns as well as satisfaction with service provided.


5.         Keeping the District Safe -


Community Safety Hub Added Value – To correct a typo from ‘disposables’ to ‘disposals’. The comments would also be updated to confirm that the two self generated actions had been completed and only two externally generated tasks were outstanding and this was due to ongoing case investigations with Essex Police.


Councillor R Bassett commented that the Committee had to review the value of the additional funding for Police Officers in Epping Forest, therefore could the measure  be  broken down to provide more information. The Community and Partnership Services  Director advised that the Stronger Communities Select Committee had recently received a presentation from the Council’s Police Sergeant and Community Safety Officer and that this information could fed into the report.


ACTION: The Committee requested that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee discusses the allocations of responsibilities to each Select Committee, if  the Stronger Council Select Committee had to scrutinise the overall performance.


10. Planning Development Priorities & 11. Ensuring Infrastructure Supports Growth -


The RAG rating was currently showing amber, although the Council expected to receive interim findings from the Inspector’s Report for the Local Plan, shortly and this would be updated accordingly.


13. People Develop Skills to Maximise their Potential


The RAG rating was showing as amber although this was being addressed by the draft Economic Strategy ‘Nurturing Growth’ and required updating.


17. Efficient Use of Our Finance Resources, Buildings & Assets -The Committee asked for more information on the target and whether it was achievable. The Interim Strategic Director, N Dawe advised that the Council was currently reviewing cost improvements, achievements and the use of finances and the preliminary work would be available by the end of July  2019. This would provide a clearer picture for the financial targets and the budget and associated papers.


18. Working with Commercial Partners to add Value for Our Customer – The Community and Partnership Services Director requested that this measure be removed because it could not be adequately measured. The Committee suggested that this measure could be changed to measure the savings of partnership working.  The Interim Strategic Director advised that there were other key financial indicators that could be considered as well.


The Customer Services Portfolio Holder enquired whether the target for 6. Provide Culture and Leisure, of 65,007 was correct, as it appeared that this had already been achieved by the Waltham Abbey Leisure Centre alone. The Community and Partnership Services Director advised that she would speak to the relevant director to check the figures contained within the Action Plan.


The Committee noted the quarter 1 performance in relation to the key performance Indicators and Work Programme within the Corporate Plan.

Supporting documents: