To consider the attached report (C-010-2019-20).
(1) The Cabinet agreed to the approval of a new lease of land at North Weald Airfield to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs for HGV parking and associated facilities to allow the operation of the checking the documentation of companies importing and exporting high value goods.
(2) Alongside the more formal agreement concerning the use of the Airfield, the Cabinet agreed to seek other benefits from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in terms of infrastructure, planning, information exchange and other legacy benefits.
(3) That, pursuant to Overview and Scrutiny Rule 53 (Special Urgency) of the Constitution, the Vice-Chairman of Council (in the absence of the Chairman) be requested to waive the call-in arrangements for this decision, as any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the Council’s interests, as it would substantially lessen the time for negotiations with HMRC and thus the preparation time needed to prepare the airfield and surrounding roads for a no-deal exit from the European Union.
The Commercial and Regulatory Services Portfolio Holder introduced the report on the proposed letting of land at North Weald Airfield to HMRC and asked the Chief Financial officer to expand on the background to this report. The Chief Financial officer noted that there was an opportunity for EFDC to lease an area of land for the operation of a HGV documentation check point as part of the preparations for a no-deal Brexit. Central Government were making arrangements for customs purposes following on from this and HMRC had approached us to use North Weald Airfield. This use would also have implications to the surrounding highways and a report on this would follow later. This proposal had a number of benefits for EFDC including:
- Income generation from the commercial lease which would be signed on the site. It was envisaged that this would be for a 2-year term;
- Installation of services and utilities to an area of NWA which currently were limited at present. These would be paid for by the tenant but would ultimately remain in the ownership of EFDC;
- Development of a largely unused part of NWA. This unused site is well located for commercial use as it has its own direct access and entrance at the north eastern side of NWA;
- Planning, Transport and Environmental reports. As part of any development it was envisaged that the tenant would have to undertake detailed analysis and reports on this section of NWA and the impact which any development would create. EFDC could have reliance upon these reports which would in turn facilitate any future development which may be undertaken once the tenant vacates.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government would be required to meet the costs of unexpected compensatory events that result from their occupation or activities.
The Leader of the Council proposed that an an extra recommendation be inserted to ask the Chairman of Council to waive the call-in period, as any delay was likely to seriously prejudice the Council’s interests. This was agreed by the Cabinet and added to the recommendations.
(1) The Cabinet agreed to the approval of a new lease of land at North Weald Airfield to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs for HGV parking and associated facilities to allow the operation of the checking the documentation of companies importing and exporting high value goods.
(2) Alongside the more formal agreement concerning the use of the Airfield, the Cabinet agreed to seek other benefits from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in terms of infrastructure, planning, information exchange and other legacy benefits.
(3) That, pursuant to Overview and Scrutiny Rule 53 (Special Urgency) of the Constitution, the Vice-Chairman of Council (in the absence of the Chairman) be requested to waive the call-in arrangements for this decision, as any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the Council’s interests, as it would substantially lessen the time for negotiations with HMRC and thus the preparation time needed to prepare the airfield and surrounding roads for a no-deal exit from the European Union.
Reasons for Proposed Decision:
Officers had recommended that the Council approve leasing this land to the HMRC as in the short term it would generate additional rental income and in the medium to long term would facilitate the future development of this section of NWA by setting a precedent and by providing the installation of facilities and infrastructure at zero cost to EFDC.
Other Options for Action:
Alternative options were:
Refuse to progress negotiations with HMRC and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Supporting documents: