Housing and Community – to receive a report (C-035-2020-21) on the More than Bricks and Mortar Estate Improvement Scheme, which signals a new way of thinking about, talking about and making decisions about the Council’s housing estates.
(1) The Cabinet agreed the principles of the More than Bricks and Mortar Estate
Improvement Scheme ~ Creating Great Places where People want to Live.
(2) That in the first instance, the Cabinet agreed to pilot the scheme on Council
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) housing estates who enjoyed fully constituted residents’ groups.
The Housing and Community Services portfolio Holder introduced the report on the Estate Improvement Scheme. It was noted that the More than Bricks and Mortar Estate Improvement Scheme, signalled a new way of thinking about, talking about and making decisions about the Council’s HRA housing estates.
The aim of the scheme was to work with residents on a range of estate projects aimed at improving their look, feel and lived experience, with focus on the communal living environment.
The report explained how the Council might work with residents to better understand specific estate needs and aspirations, thereafter, creating resident centred “wish lists” of estate improvements from which tailored estate improvement plans may be agreed. Where funding was required to realise specific projects, the report set out the proposed mechanism for approval.
Whilst this scheme was about giving choice to residents, enabling them to shape their own communities, the Council had a duty to protect its assets and safeguard the health and safety of the residents; as such residents would be given guiding principles to work within when proposing any upgrades to their estates.
Councillor Neville welcomed this approach and asked if any areas in Buckhurst Hill had been identified as yet. He was told that they wanted to hear from all voices in all the estates. When they would be looking at the Buckhurst Hill area, they would speak to Councillor Neville.
Councillor Murray said that it was good to have joint consultations and asked for member involvement.
Councillor Chris Pond put in a special word for the Oakwood Hill estate and asked if the Council would adopt a holistic approach to the improvement plan. he was told that officers were looking to have a far reaching holistic approach.
Councillor Jon Whitehouse asked about timescales on reporting back on all six estates and where did sheltered housing estates fit in here, would they be included in the package or were they to be treated separately. He was told that the six estates mentioned would be looked at in the first year. As for sheltered housing, they would carry out a separate survey.
Councillor Wixley noted that there was one resident group missing from the list in the report and that was the Debden Tenants Panel; he was not aware that they had broken up. The Portfolio Holder said that they would check to see if they still existed and if so contact them.
(1) The Cabinet agreed the principles of the More than Bricks and Mortar Estate
Improvement Scheme ~ Creating Great Places where People want to Live.
(2) That in the first instance, the Cabinet agreed to pilot the scheme on Council
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) housing estates who enjoyed fully constituted residents’ groups.
Reasons for Proposed Decision:
To develop a scheme that delivers a programme of estate enhancements on HRA housing estates, in partnership with residents, and which supports the Council’s ambition to create great estates where people want to live.
Other Options for Action:
(1) To agree a different set of principles.
(2) Not to restrict the pilot to only HRA housing estates with fully constituted residents’ groups.
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