(Contracts and Commissioning – Cllr. N Avey) To approve the Epping Forest District Council Litter Strategy (C-015-2022-23).
The Cabinet approved and adopted the Epping Forest District Council Litter Strategy.
The Contracts and Commissioning Portfolio Holder, Councillor N Avey, introduced the report. He noted that this report set Epping Forest District Council’s commitment to the Government’s Litter Strategy for England along with The Environmental Protection Act (1990) and the Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse (2019).
The strategy aimed to:
• change the behaviour of people who feel it is acceptable to drop litter through education and social media campaigns
• make it easy to dispose of litter, provide the appropriate facilities in the right places, and collect litter in a timely fashion
• improve enforcement by exercising council powers to deal with anyone who drops litter
This Litter Strategy explains how Epping Forest District Council’s plans to continue its work in not only meeting the Government’s expectations but also reflect resident’s desire to have a clean and healthy local environment free of litter, fly-tipping and dog waste.
Councillor Lion asked if there could be an education plan associated this strategy to engage with the community. Councillor Avey agreed that education was key and the need to get young people involved.
Councillor Murray welcomed the work done by local volunteers and the rewarding of the right behaviour in schools. He noted that there was still a lot to be done on the weed removal programme and drain maintenance programme with some drains being completely blocked in his area. He was told that they had some problems with the weed management programme and noted that drainage maintenance was important, and he noted the problem.
Councillor H Whitbread noted that the regeneration schemes in the housing estates were looking at litter such as the ‘save a street’ scheme in Waltham Abbey which was a good example of this.
Councillor Patel noted that the level of fines given out in response to littering was quite low and went on to ask how the council actually caught people in the act of littering and take forward prosecutions. He was told that it was difficult especially if litter was thrown out of cars. CCTV cameras could be used, but in all these things the evidential level was quite high. He agreed that fines were too low but were outside the scope of what the Council could do; this was down to the government and the courts.
Councillor McCredie noted that this report did go to the Stronger Place Select Committee in July but did not come back although she would have liked to see more details. Councillor Avey replied that they had noted the comments made by the select committee and changed the report accordingly. He noted that this was an overarching, high level report that did not go into details. Regular updates will be provided to the Stronger Place Select Committee.
The Cabinet approved and adopted the Epping Forest District Council Litter Strategy.
Reasons for Proposed Decision:
The Litter Strategy sets out three principal reasons why the Council needs a litter strategy, namely:
Other Options for Action:
Epping Forest District Council have never had a Litter Strategy, we can continue to operate without a litter strategy, but this strategy explains how Epping Forest District Council and other relevant partners can meet their legal duties to keep streets and open spaces for which they are responsible clean and free of litter.
Supporting documents: