Agenda item

Implementation of the Local Plan: update on Progress

(Place – Cllr. N Bedford) To note the latest position in relation to the Examination of the Emerging Epping Forest District Local Plan following the appointment of a new Plan Inspector (C-023-2022/23).




(1)        The Cabinet noted the latest position in relation to the Examination of the Emerging Epping Forest District Local Plan.


(2)        The Cabinet noted the progress of Strategic Masterplans and Concept Frameworks, including the use of Planning Performance Agreements and the progress of other proposals at pre-application and application stage (see Appendices A – D of the report);


(3)        The Cabinet agreed the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021/2022 (see Appendix E of the report) for online publication by 31 December 2022.




The Place Portfolio Holder, Councillor Bedford, introduced the report update on the implementation of the Local Plan.


This report was prepared by the Policy and Implementation Team to provide members with an update on the progress of the Local Plan, Strategic Masterplans, Concept Framework Plans and Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) within the district, including major projects and planning applications dealt with by the team. 


The Council, in conjunction with the Local Plan Inspector, had finalised the proposed Further Main Modifications that it considers are required to the Local Plan in order to meet the tests of soundness.  The Council was busy preparing for the Further Main Modifications consultation to commence at the end of October 2022. 


Regarding Strategic Masterplans scheduled meetings and workshops continue to take place with site promoters and developers in accordance with project plans agreed within PPAs.  The majority of workshops/meetings continue to take place virtually, but in-person meetings were being arranged for specific masterplan workshops. 


The CIL Amendment Regulations introduced a requirement for authorities to prepare Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements. Appendix E of the report set out the proposed Infrastructure Funding Statement for the District for 2021/2022.  The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) applies to financial year 2021/2022 and sets out s106 agreements completed in that year, the types and values of contributions included in the agreements and the monies paid to the Council. The report then sets out the S106 projects deliverable within the next 5 and 10 years. The IFS also sets out how the s106 income will be spent and prioritised over the plan period.




(1)        The Cabinet noted the latest position in relation to the Examination of the Emerging Epping Forest District Local Plan.


(2)        The Cabinet noted the progress of Strategic Masterplans and Concept Frameworks, including the use of Planning Performance Agreements and the progress of other proposals at pre-application and application stage (see Appendices A – D of the report);


(3)        The Cabinet agreed the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021/2022 (see Appendix E of the report) for online publication by 31 December 2022.



Reasons for Proposed Decision

To ensure that members were kept fully up to date on the progress of Masterplans and Concept Frameworks and other major proposals being promoted within the District.

To comply with the Council’s general obligations as a local planning authority and the requirements set out in national planning guidance.

Every Local Authority was required to publish an Infrastructure Funding Statement (‘IFS’) by 31 December each year that sets out the amount of planning obligation expenditure where funds have been allocated.


Community Infrastructure Levy Guidance 2014 sets out that:


“Reporting on developer contributions helps local communities and developers see how contributions have been spent and understand what future funds will be spent on, ensuring a transparent and accountable system.”

Paragraph: 172, Reference ID: 25-172-20190901


The Council’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan had identified the infrastructure projects that were required to deliver development in the District to 2033.

Other Options for Action:


Not to update members on the progress on the above issues would be contrary to the commitment made by the Implementation Team as noted in the 18 October 2018 Cabinet Report.


Not to publish the Infrastructure Funding Statement within the deadline would result in a failure to comply with the Community Infrastructure Levy regulations.



Supporting documents: