Agenda item

West Ongar Concept Framework endorsement

(Shaping our District – Cllr K Williamson) To formally endorse the West Ongar Concept Framework Plan (Report and Appendix A attached) (C-030-2024-25).


For information: the following appendices are published separately to the agenda:


·       Appendix B – Concept Framework Plan


·       Appendix C: Engagement Report


(1)            That the Cabinet noted the process undertaken and the outputs from the public consultation on the Draft West Ongar Concept Framework Plan (CFP) in September and October 2024;


(2)            That the Cabinet agreed that the West Ongar Concept Framework Plan (CFP) be formally endorsed in order for it to be taken into account as an important material consideration in the determination of future planning applications, and to inform pre-application advice, assessing planning and any other development management and implementation related purposes relating to the site; and


(3)            That the Cabinet agreed that the Planning Services Director, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make minor amendments to the CFP, including any document accessibility requirements, prior to publication.


The Shaping our District Portfolio Holder outlined the West Ongar CFP that was formed by the combination of two allocated sites and responded to the Local Plan. Its endorsement would ensure cohesive development. Two access points had been agreed in principle with Essex Highways. The CFP proposals had been reviewed by the Quality Review Panel in May 2024. A four-week public consultation on the draft West Ongar Concept Framework had closed on 8 October 2024. The Portfolio Holder recommended the report to the Cabinet.


Councillor M Dadd thanked officers and developers for their early input and that they had taken onboard the Ongar Design Guide and Neighbourhood Plan. With almost 600 homes being proposed in the CFP, there could be up to 1,000 vehicles more in peak time, and turning right on to a busy road would be difficult. As the councillor was concerned about road infrastructure and safety, she inquired if a working party could be set up with Essex Highways rather than waiting for an accident to happen. Thanking the speaker for querying access points, she suggested perhaps one access point might be reasonable.


Councillor P Keska supported the CFP and use of attenuation ponds for drainage purposes. He remarked that the speaker presented good arguments in his address. A safe access point for vehicles turning right on to the A414 was needed. Access on to the High Road would be difficult because of a bend in the road with a bus stop nearby. He thought that building heights would be taken into account at the planning stage. He also asked if green walkways would be used to protect existing houses from the new development.


The Portfolio Holder replied that the Council would not allow any scheme without safe access and would ensure Essex Highways was actively engaged. Additional traffic was a concern but works would be phased on building the houses. The Council would demand a S106 Agreement from the developer. Attenuation ponds being used in drainage systems had been around for some time. The Principal Planning (Implementation) Officer (P van der Zwan) clarified that there would be green buffers of trees and planting for the proposed homes particularly around the sensitive areas and these had been increased following the consultation process. Conditions would be imposed at the planning application stage to ensure these green boundaries would be maintained and not removed. However, it would be more beneficial to not have green walkways that would allow people access at the rear, and instead have gardens with buffers backing onto each other.


The report set out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendation and the decision.




(1)            That the Cabinet noted the process undertaken and the outputs from the public consultation on the Draft West Ongar Concept Framework Plan (CFP) in September and October 2024;


(2)            That the Cabinet agreed that the West Ongar Concept Framework Plan (CFP) be formally endorsed in order for it to be taken into account as an important material consideration in the determination of future planning applications, and to inform pre-application advice, assessing planning and any other development management and implementation related purposes relating to the site; and


(3)            That the Cabinet agreed that the Planning Services Director, in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder, be authorised to make minor amendments to the CFP, including any document accessibility requirements, prior to publication.

Supporting documents: