(1) That the tender in the sum of £10,218,000 from McLaughlin & Harvey Construction to carry out the construction of the Epping Forest Shopping Park in Langston Road be agreed;
(2) That an increase also be agreed in the contract sum for Section 278 Highways works in the sum of £908,208 to the contract awarded to Walkers Construction on 11 January 2016;
(3) That, in liaison with the Portfolio Holder for Asset Management and Economic Development, the Director of Neighbourhoods be authorised to agree any final variation to the Highways Contract, subject to it being within the current capital budget for this element of the project; and
(4) That the current anticipated opening date for the Shopping Park of August 2017 be noted.
(1) That the tender of £2,070,029 from Walker Construction (UK) Ltd to carry out the Section 278 road works in Chigwell Lane relating to Epping Forest Shopping Park be agreed, subject to revisions required by Essex County Highways regarding Thames Water required works;
(2) That the balance of the current capital allocation of £2,250,000 i.e. £179,970 be retained as a contingency to meet the costs of any variations as a result of the Thames Water requirements;
(3) That the Director of Neighbourhoods, in liaison with the Asset Management and Economic Development Portfolio Holder, be authorised to agree any variation subject to it being within the current capital budget for this element of the project; and
(4) That the revised target opening date for the Shopping Park of Easter 2017 (Easter Sunday 16 April 2017) be noted.
(1) That the progress made with the Epping Forest Shopping Park project be noted.
(1) That Contract Standing Orders C17, Receipt and Custody of Quotations and Tenders, and C18, Opening of Tenders and Quotations, be waived for the tendering of the Section 278 Works and main Build Contract for the Epping Forest Shopping Park to enable the electronic receipt of tender documentation for these contracts.
(1) That progress with the Epping Forest Shopping Park project be noted; and
(2) That, in addition to ongoing regular reports to the Cabinet, future detailed monitoring of the project be undertaken by the Asset Management & Economic Development Cabinet Committee.
(1) That progress with the Epping Forest Shopping Park project be noted.
(1) That the name of the retail development at Langston Road, Debden be ‘Epping Forest Shopping Park’; and
(2) That the logo for the Shopping Park be agreed as that shown on the first page of the draft marketing brochure, attached at Appendix 1 to the report.